Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk June 12, 2024

Monday, June 17, 2024

Lakeview Center notes


Other bright new news was the birthday earlier in the week of our friend Doris, who just turned 90 years old.  What a lady! Her daughter has also joined her in eating lunches with the Lakeview Center for Active Aging.

There's the Lakeview Center, and upstairs is the area for our dining and exercise classes. Other classes are held downstairs, which is a smaller area.

Today's quote:
Since when do we have to agree with people to defend them from injustice? -Lillian Hellman, playwright (1905-1984)


  1. ...please don't make me wear one of those hats.

    1. Ah ha, you might be giving a clue that you're approaching a special birthday!

  2. Happy belated birthday to Doris! Pretty view of the lake.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

    1. She is a special woman, as well as our 100 year old friend who comes just to the exercise class every week! What a model for us to follow!

  3. Fantastic achievement for Doris, wishing her the best.

    1. Thanks...I looked up what folks over 90 are called, it's Nonagenarian.

  4. God bless you Doris! Beautiful area. Aloha

    1. She's so sweet. Her son was with her at lunch today, and told of how they all went to Looking Glass Falls, but had to walk quite a way from the car, but Doris did it! Slower than the grandchildren or great grands wanted. But she also went down the first flight of steps to see it better! She's a little bit amazing!

  5. Beautiful sky in the second pic! And how I agree with Tom.

    1. OK, no party hats for you two. Thanks for comment about the sky. I keep seeing on FB that am E Asheville friend had rain both yesterday and today. I'm watering my plants.


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