Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Maybe to be forsythia (updated)

Surely early purple somethings, as well as daffodil, but what is that branch with yellow buds?  I spy forsythia!

I cut some and brought it inside to force it to bloom.

Right after cutting...

24 hours later

Ta da!  Just 48 hours inside and we have blooms!


  1. Can't wait to see some forsythia in bloom here.

  2. Wow! That's a great way to get some quick blooms! They're very pretty.

  3. Wonderful, they make a great display.

  4. I love to bring forsythia inside to bloom. Haven't done so for a number of years. I know a vacant house with a forsythia bush -- dare I sneak a few branches? 48 hours and you have a lovely spring bouquet! -- barbara

  5. Forcing forsythia is such a beautiful way to hurry Spring along. (The little purple flowers are, I think, periwinkle.)


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