Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Kwanzaa 2020

Happy first day of Kwanzaa - Umoja (Unity)

Excerpts from 

The Seven Principles, (are) a foundational way forward in this awesome and urgent challenge to each and all of us. (...and) serve as a mirror and measure of our living up to our highest and most beneficial values.

The First Principle, Umoja (Unity), begins with ourselves, but expands outward to include others and the world. It reaffirms Anna Julia Cooper’s assertion that “We take our stand on the solidarity of humanity, the oneness of life, and the unnaturalness of all special favoritism whether of race, sex, country or condition.” Umoja urges a moral sensitivity and caring kinship with each other, other human beings, all living beings, and with the world itself. For as our ancestors taught, we are not only human beings (watu), but also world beings (walimwengu). And thus, they taught in the sacred text, Odu Ifa, that we must “take responsibility for the world and do good for the world.”

This series is being published as support of the Black Lives Matter movement. African Americans may or may not celebrate this holiday, which was devised in their honor. I find it a most inspiring series of thoughtful principles - one for each of seven days.


  1. Hello,
    Your post and you are an inspiration, sharing this post. I wish all that celebrate a Happy Kwanza!
    Enjoy your day!

    1. I have often read about Kwanzaa, and thought it taught really good values. But with trying to step out of my white privilege, I'm trying to understand more about Black cultures.

  2. ...a holiday that I don't think is well understood.

    1. It is especially hard for me, knowing I was in my 20s when this holiday was devised. I want to say, maybe for the next generations it could be important. But actually these 7 days kind of get smooshed in between Christmas and New Year. When I was a working woman (most of my life) I enjoyed having a bit of a rest for this week. Now I want to learn a bit more about this holiday of 7 days.


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