Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The color of snow

January 2011 had lots of snow in my front yard. 
We have a little bit forecast tomorrow, but it's due to melt pretty quickly.

You all who live up in the real snow country, I know how tired of it you can get...but I just would like one or two days looking like this.

This is being sent to Friday Fences.


  1. I always think I want some snow until we get it. After a day, I'm ready for it to melt and go away!

    1. Geese, something about the grass always being greener, only in this case, the snow being whiter!

  2. we got a few inches last week and it is almost completely gone. a few piles here and there, but we are waiting on a couple more inches to arrive sometime today! it is pretty isn't it?!

  3. Snow does make for a beautiful winter scene. I love to look at it..but hate to have to deal with the after effects.

  4. I wish we had that much snow...we just have a dusting. This made for a beautiful shot.

    1. This was 2 years ago...and today we didn't get anything but some freezing rain, at least so far. (3:30 pm) Even though it's below freezing out, some of it is melting already. I doubt that we'll have any winter wonderland today.

  5. I am always up for snow - unless I have to drive in it.

    I'm sorry you won't leave comments on my blog. I have checked and don't know where I've gone wrong. If you know how to make the commentig easier, please let me know. I thought that once you'd input your info, it would pop up each time you returned, but I guess I was wrong. I really don't want to inconvenience people.

  6. It's beautiful! (oh, was there a fence in the picture? :-) )

  7. I would love to have snow every winter - I think.


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