Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

My "potting shed"

My planting work area, I could imagine it as a potting shed perhaps.  It's a foundation that once probably held a shed.  The neighbors behind have negotiated with past owners to move their driveway closer into my cottage's space, thus a lovely (?) view from my yard of their cars most of the time.  No wonder I look up to the trees!  But having some raised containers with flowers and herbs will also be nice here.

Quote for today:

I find ecstasy in living -- the mere sense of living is joy enough. Emily Dickinson

1 comment:

So glad to have your comments...whatever they may be. I'm one who likes to reply sometime or another, so others will see that; or you might happen back sometime and see what conversation might have started.