Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Sunday, June 5, 2022

An Art Show...Art by the Tracks!

  June 4 was a fun Saturday. The Old Depot Association sponsored another Art by The Tracks fine crafts show downtown. I had to go...after all my sharing how I used to exhibit. And I did want to see some old friends too!

A bright morning, but low humidity and actually a bit cool that warmed up to 75 or so in the afternoon.

An interesting use of a bowl, to glue little planets (marble-like things) and paint the background dark blue, with some gold along the edge and call it a Cosmic bowl...

From fabrics on r, to wood working on l...with plants displayed everywhere!

Being a person with a very small apartment and more decorations than I can use already, I didn't find anything interesting to buy. My photos are just of things that caught my eye.

Vermont Maple Syrup was popular!

Hamlin Ceramics was displayed elegantly, which his pieces all are.

This sign was more permanent than the day-long art show. Our caboose has turned pink over the the red paint has faded. It really needs to be painted a bright shiny red again!

A friend, Fred Feldman, makes these funny little guys in clay or wood cards...empty inside so you can write whatever you wish.

Another friend, Molly Keeny sits and talks with many friends in our community. 

On left is Sarah Vekasi who organized this event, and Fred Feldman on r.

A very nice chuckle at the wood sign which says "Wicked chickens lay  deviled EGGS."

Saying goodbye to Sutton St. and this art show. There will be another one in the fall...much bigger usually!


  1. ...I LOVE shows like this, but we are trying to declutter our house. For each item we ask ourselves, would we buy this today? If not, off to the Goodwill it goes!!!

    1. I'm with you on the declutter efforts. I will have lots of items to donate to our thrift store as soon as I get to rounding them up!

  2. Hello,
    I love to explore these art shows. So many beautiful items and the maple syrup sounds good. Take care, enjoy your new week!

    1. My friend visited the show on her own, and said she only bought one item...the syrup from Vermont!

  3. Wonderful shots. There is something similar here next weekend, back after two years of Covid. I'll have to see if I can make it down.

    1. Hope you enjoy your show next weekend. It feels good to support the artists...though I guess they would feel better if I'd bought something! Maybe think of Christmas or birthday presents next time!

  4. Wonderful shots. There is something similar here next weekend, back after two years of Covid. I'll have to see if I can make it down.


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