Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Thursday, February 9, 2023

View from my window

 Again. I know, it's pretty dull.  But I do sit here and watch weather. The clouds that roll over the southern ridge usually bring some moisture or another. No snow to speak of this year.

If you look closely at the base of the far tree, the daffodils are poking up. And instead of grass, the entire area is now covered with moss. At least that's what it looks like to me.

Maybe something that will bloom

Definitely things that will bloom!

I walkedd to the top of our parking lot the other day when it was nice and warm! I've got maples outside my window, but up the hill are pines.

A sample showing 2 kinds of moss. Broom Moss and (not sure of the other one, something like delicate, fragile?)

Today's quote:

Everyday language is a part of the human organism and is no less complicated than it. -Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher (1889-1951)


  1. ...when it get warm here I want to make a terrarium with moss.

  2. We have rain forecast today. Not the winter weather we expect to have in mid February. I heard birds this morning when I walked out for the newspaper. Sounded like they thought it was spring.

    1. Robins have arrived here...though sometimes they winter over, they didn't this year. Rain is forecast.

  3. Hello,
    This warm weather is fooling the plants and trees, we could still have some frosty cold days and more snow.
    Take care, have a great day!

    1. Ah, a wise woman among us. Silly me, enjoying a fake spring. Hope your Thursday is wonderful!

  4. I always like seeing the views out your window. I'm glad you click the pics of the mountains there. Spring is definitely on the way. Daffodils are blooming here on the California north coast. It makes me so happy to see them. (comment from NewRobin13)

    1. Oh your spring is ahead of ours...of course we're up 2400 feet above sea level, which does make it a bit chilly. So how about sending a pic of a daffy?

  5. I am always surprised at how much pleasure I take in looking at the same view, over and over. The changes are subtle but noticeable to those who pay attention. And I think that as we get older, we pay more attention to small things, like moss.
    Definitely blooms ahead--if we can avoind winter coming back like a fiend.

    1. It is practially inevitable that it will get cold again...freezing weather due this weekend, and the silly old weatherman says "maybe snow." I sure am not holding my breath for that to happen!

  6. We're a long way off from seeing bare ground here.

    1. Ah, the snow people across that border! I so envy your beautiful snow...but not the work of trying to move around in it!

  7. We are right now beginning another storm. This one will be more rain and ice than snow. And that is worse.

    1. Yuck...I agree, put ice on the roads and I'll put my head under my pillow. Cancel every outing I have scheduled. Starve. No not exacly, since I've got a good 2 weeks of provisions...but not that much water...mmmm.

  8. We are having rain and very cool weather. Stay inside weather.

  9. Anything green is hopeful these days. And trees are always beautiful to see.

  10. I’m glad that spring is coming.


So glad to have your comments...whatever they may be. I'm one who likes to reply sometime or another, so others will see that; or you might happen back sometime and see what conversation might have started.