Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Friday, February 10, 2023

Cold falls, moon, summer flowers, and Superman

  Memories of blooms and other things will show in my posts for a while.

Hooker Falls in DuPont Forest, NC

I don't remember when, but a partial eclipse of the moon.
Sharing with Skywatch Friday (of course)

Flame Azaleas are native in the Appalachian woods in spring.

Sharing with Floral Friday this week!

Weather here yesterday was windy with some rain forecast, but by noon it hadn't arrived. I took car for oil change and asked the owner to drive me next door to the Moments Coffee shop. He did, and I had a very nice scone with cinnamon and nuts. I met a woman and shared the good thing of his driving me over, and we talked about car repairs a bit. I admitted I'd gotten out of breath just taking out the garbage.

 So when R.T. called to say my car was ready (he also had checked it out to see if all the car-things were functioning correctly) this new friend, Marie, offered to drive me back over next door so I wouldn't have to walk through the weeds. I was very grateful. And the car was ok too! I had also been very shaky and spilled some of my coffee because of that, while commenting on the young man with a curl in the middle of his forehead. I told him about my son's veneration of Superman as a boy and insisting of having a curl on his forehead also. So then of course we (there were 3 male staff behind the counter) talked about all the Clark Kents among us! A good morning!

Today's quote:
Everyday language is a part of the human organism and is no less complicated than it.
-Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher (1889-1951)


  1. ...the native azaleas of North Carolina are a special treat.

    1. They are indeed. And the complex where I live actually had some planted when the new owners renoovated it. Lovely to see when they bloom.

  2. Hello,

    Pretty view of the waterfalls. The azaleas are lovely, pretty blooms. Take care, have a great weekend!

  3. Thanks for your good wishes, Eileen. It's a mixed bag indeed today

  4. Nice photos, Barbara. Please take care there. I hope you are feeling well. (NewRobin13)

    1. Thanks. I was having troubles yesterday, and was so glad that caring folks would offer help. It is sometimes hard to move into acceptance when it is offered. Drat my own superwoman frame of mind!

  5. I like those falls. Happy to see you flirting with spearman, or Clark Kent, whatever. 😀

    1. No idea who spearman might be. Don't tell me you never watched any Superman shows or movies! If anyone has a superman identiy under his "mild manered" exterior, I'd think you might know him!

  6. lovely photos, Barb. The azaleas, wow.

    1. They really looked great the first year. Maybe I'll go give them a dose of liquid fertilizer when nobody's around. They have been very puny for the last few years.

  7. I love all of these photos, especially the waterfall!

    1. It was certainly cold that day. Glad you liked it.

  8. Glorious images!
    I am amazed how beautifully you have maintained your blogs.
    More blessings

  9. That would be quite a treat to see azalia flowers while out on a hike in the woods!

    1. They sure are. A bit of a surprise gift...but our slopes also have mountain laurel and rhododenrons.

  10. It is good to get out and enjoy a scone. Meeting up with people and this woman helping you so you don't have to walk in the weed....what a nice lady. Talking about superman and getting your car fixed all in one day. You are WOMAN. What a nice outing you had. I enjoy the cyber outing.

    1. It certainly was a day to give me a sense of gratitude...that my belief in the goodness of people is again justified.

  11. Thanks. I did feel great. So glad to share with you!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. What a fantastic shot of the falls. The azaleas are so pretty and colourful. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful evening.

    1. I need to remember to find summertime shots of the falls.

  14. The photos of the waterfall are beautiful. I wonder if you have a photo of it in warmer weather? The scone with cinnamon & nuts sounds divine. Yum!

    1. Yes, I do...I'll remember sometime to dig it out to share. Or maybe someday I'll go back there!

  15. You've made me smile to read how you got from waterfalls to Superman with flowers and the moon in between. AND managed to include a car for the Sepia Saturday theme too! Just don't don't faster than a locomotive!

    1. But leaping tall buildings with a single bound, is ok, right? When I go to old albums, there are such a mix of stuff!!

  16. Lovely photographs and for you memories of a lovely day enjoying the landscape and the small, acts of kindness you experienced.

  17. Sorry,forgot to give my name - Susan (Scotsue);

    1. Welcome. I didn't realize you didn't blog. You do so much research with your family, it surprised me.

  18. My son dressed as superheroes for a couple of years. They sold pajamas that looked like Superman, Ninja Turtles, Batman. When the weather turned cold, I bought sweat shirts and pants in the appropriate colors and made logos for Superman, Batman, and Flash that I ironed on. You took me back to a fun memory.

    1. What a great time to be a young boy. All the girls were busy with princesses. And boys could be superheroes.


So glad to have your comments...whatever they may be. I'm one who likes to reply sometime or another, so others will see that; or you might happen back sometime and see what conversation might have started.