Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

An old retreat center

YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly, founded 1906
No wonder people from all over have come to Black Mountain in the summertime, this has been here a long time!
Do you have stories of summer camp?

Quote of the day:

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.  Marcel Proust

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Greening of the Mountains 2

A south facing cut where the Parkway meanders shows lovely green grass (planted of course) and then the sharp green buds against the trees further up-slope where branches are still bare.

Is that a source of pollen, I wonder?

Most definitely.

Photos today are all from the Tanbark Ridge overlook area.

Quote for the day:
When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.  Maya Angelou

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The greening of the mountains 1

In Haws Creek valley, the trees are beginning to have full green, while up-slope they are bare or budding.

The overlook is at 2170 feet, looking west in morning sunshine.  Dark greens are evergreens.

A bit further up the Blue Ridge Parkway on a southeastern slope, many little green leaves are popping out. 

And the delicate pink of a redbud is visible against the grey, green and brownscape.

Though there's not a clear line of where the green is already accomplished, the difference between bare branches along the top of the mountain and those with pale green in the valley are obvious.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Cherry Blossom Moon

I may not be able to keep the moon in focus, but I loved that it turned the sky pink from the cherry blossoms.  Enjoy the reflection of light off our dear old satellite, the full moon.  For that reason I'm including this in Weekend Reflections. 

I join others in sharing photos with reflections here.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Old Filling Stations

This old building isn't being used for anything these days.

Do you remember the days when you would get gas, and use the key to get through the little blue door to use a restroom?  And someone else might be pumping the gas, cleaning the windshield, and checking the tires?

I'm just guessing that this building was part of that history that many of us share before the gas crisis started raising prices and moving to self-service in the 1970s.

I add this to Sepia Saturday meme this week, only because of the old bricks, which are somewhat like the pavement on this week's theme.


White daffies

Along the walk from back parking lot up to Center for the Arts

Quote for the day: 
Be content to progress in slow steps until you have legs to run and wings with which to fly.   Padre Pio

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Stages of blossoms

Poplar blossoms about to pop?  At least that's my guess.  I'll have a more recent pic of this lovely tree up on the Blue Ridge Parkway at one of my favorite overlooks soon.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A cove near the Parkway

At the end of the cove - notice bald spot to upper left

From my favorite overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway, March 30, 2013 before leaves started returning to trees.

A bit more inclusive shot in the same direction, Blue Ridge Parkway is on side of furthest and highest peak in this view

From further up the Parkway, the bald area is now on the right/  The road on left in this picture isn't the parkway.

Thought for the day:

Looking behind I am filled with gratitude. Looking forward I am filled with vision. Looking upwards I am filled with strength. Looking within I discover peace.
Quero Apache Prayer

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A grey day at Lake Tomahawk

On March 17 it was warm enough for some people to walk in shorts around the lake.

A model yacht seems of little interest to this Coot Duck

Clouds may have daunted the people fishing

Dog walkers still have to take those walks, but the tennis court wasn't that busy
The little island where maybe ducks or geese will nest

I've been calling these mostly grey geese, French Geese
Thought for the day: 
All sorrows can be borne if you tell a story about them.
Karen Blixen (author of Out of Africa)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Where do your vegies grow?

Early spring picture of a local farm
The Black Mountain Tailgate Market opens May 4, and we will be so glad to have fresh local produce.

Thought for the day:

Just as parents care for their children, you should bear in mind the whole universe.
Zen Master Dogen

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Reliable car shop

Swannanoa, NC

This is where my mechanic(s) hang out, waiting for me to bring my '96 Toyota in to keep it running.  And they tell me if I take care of it, it will run forever.  (I'm not sure I want to drive it quite that long, but I've had it since 2000 already)  At least the next owner can know that it's been driven by a little (?) old lady!

Thought for the day:

Be still, and the world is bound to turn herself inside out to entertain you. Everywhere you look, joyful noise is clanging to drown out quiet desperation.
Barbara Kingsolver
High Tide in Tucson

And here's a shot of spring, just in case you're turned off by pics of auto shops (well, they are a necessary part of life)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Visitor's Center Reflections

From the back wall of the Blue Ridge Parkway Visitor's Center, an electronic monitor on the map reflects the entrance windows.

For a "green building" there is a lot of glass.  Here a display is picking up the trees in the woods as viewed through the window.  And yes, that's an old white wall tire as part of the display.

There I am out of focus reflected in the wonderful chrome hub cap.  Not the photographer on the right, who's part of the display.

These photos are included in Weekend Reflections.

Thought for the day:

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars.  Og Mandino

Friday, April 19, 2013

Tourist candy and quilts

Say YES to chocolate, and fudge (and ice cream) at Kilwins

A quilt store in a new location, very welcoming!
Thought for the day: 
The beginning of divine wisdom is clemency and gentleness, which arise from greatness of soul and the bearing of infirmities. 
St. Isaac of Ninevah
On the Harm of Foolish Zeal that Has the Guise of Being Divine

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Visitor's Center on Parkway

The winter roof of grasses at the Visitor's Center on Blue Ridge Parkway

Entrance to Visitor's Center

Thought for the day:

Many paths lead from the foot of the mountain, but at the peak we all gaze at the single bright moon.  
 Ikkyu - Zen-monk poet, 1394-1481

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


The Red Rocker Inn on March 30, 2013

The source of a true smile is an awakened mind. Smiling helps you approach the day with gentleness and understanding.     Thich Nhat Hanh

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ducky, not yellow rubber

Lovely dark grey ducks are around a lot these days...they are American Coots, (Mud Hens.)
Female Mallard taking a break to eat, from the wild mating frenzy that's already started

I thought these guys were an aberation the first time I saw them, or maybe I just keep seeing the same fuzzy hatted duck over and over again! 

So of course I kept taking pictures

Apparently he liked me, 'cause he followed me around

Tufted duck is his title apparently.

One of these Mallard males will get lucky probably
The little island seems to have been claimed by this Canada Goose.  See more Goose pictures Here.