Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Monday, July 22, 2013


No this is not one of those spiritually inspiring talks about renewal of something that we've forgotten to have awareness of, but have anyway.

This is about mundane renewal of ...yep, go to a State Highway Patrol Office and renew that...

Drivers License.

So I just wanted to show you this lovely office...including the seal of North Carolina.  If you (like me) haven't learned anything of North Carolina history, this seal (as well as their state, er I mean, MY state flag) is full of strange dates and symbols.

The officer let me take a picture of it, which will be my post tomorrow.  For now, I just want to celebrate that I've 5 more years to legally drive.  And that this waiting room was empty in McDowell County where I drove for my renewal.  Sometimes it's worth 30 miles drive for fast service.

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