About to cross the Little Miami River (so says the sign)
One of my favorite restaurants, but there's not one near me at home, so I stopped here for a favorite meal. However, when using the rest room, I saw no toilet paper or towels had been installed, and I told myself, this is not a good sign. I had to wait a long time to give my order, and the clerk shared that she is due to give birth in 4 days. She said the restaurant is having some problems. But the food was good. How often do we think of what is going on in the lives of those who work to prepare our meals.
Yes, gas was amazingly low everywhere except North Carolina...where it's around $2.72 a gallon. Forty three cents a gallon for traveling 500 miles makes a difference! Enough to buy several hamburgers.
PS, Black Mountain Ingles Gas is now wonderful 2.69 on Nov. 27!
Brooding is what comes to mind with those skies.