Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Friday, September 30, 2022

Flowers to enjoy

 While I take a break from bringing all my outdoor plants off the balcony railings and tucking them into sheltered places in anticipation of the remains from Ian, here are the indoor goodies!

For Floral Friday Fotos..

It started out with purchasing this bouquet because of the gorgeous sunflower, and all the lilies were just buds...
Then day after day, they all bloomed!

I can't smell them though...but I remember coming into a room once and immediately smelling them, so being a bit naive, I stuck my nose down into the throat of a lily. Came up with a bunch of pollen on me, and made the mistake of wiping it onto my shirt-tail. That stuff stains!

Today's quote:

You will experience how neglected areas of your home and your heart light up and flourish when they are regularly tended and cared for.


  1. ...when it comes to lilies, it's a good idea to pick off the pollen.

    1. Ah, a good thought...and I have now clipped them all of their pollen parts.

  2. Nothing silly about those lilies.

    I used to have a friend called Lilian. She didn’t love it when I called her Lil and really didn’t love it when I called her Lily. But when I called her SIlly Lily . . .

  3. Gorgeous flowers! Perfect for a gray day.


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