Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Guitar music and bloggers

 Appreciation to my fellow bloggers.  Especially those who commented when I said I was feeling low. Next day was pretty topsy turvy...learned that the man I volunteered to help with a newsletter and blog wanted me to do the whole enchilada. 

Tried to find the candidates our party had on the primary who had the same interests as yours truly. Couldn't find the paper that had posted candidates positions at the library, where early voting was taking place. But a friend on Facebook sent me her choices, so tomorrow that can happen.

 I tried adding a new gmail account and google is going crazy thinking I've never used their services before! Hello, even blogger is a google product.

Went to studio and did a little fabricating of a base upon which a dragon will stand, which I'll start constructing on Thurs. 

My car insurance rates have sky rocketed, so I plan on calling some other companies tomorrow (which I've put off for 2 weeks already) 

I stumble around but have stayed upright so far. My hands were so dry from working in clay, I came home and lathered hand cream on them, then silly me tried to reply to comments with just 2 fingers typing. Pretty lame.

You bloggers have kept me in some kind of touch with the world beyond my four walls many times. Big thank you for sharing whatever interests you, and often teaching me a thing or three. I especially enjoy photos of places, critters, people and things I'd never see otherwise!

So today I want to acknowledge John at "By Stargoose and Hanglands," and share the musician he posted on Sunday...I went to hear many other YouTube videos by John James. And here's a fun one, not the one Mr. Stargoose gave. You'll have to check his site to hear the one he shared.

John James plays various tunes, and I think his guitar is differently tuned than the one I tried to learn on. His base string is at the top, rather than the bottom. Just my impression and I never got to being able to press the right strings to make a chord! Or are all electric guitars strung that way?

Here's another one I enjoyed. I kind of like the little introductions he makes, but I definitely like his skills.

Today's quote:

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. -Henry Adams, historian and teacher (16 Feb 1838-1918)

Thanks National Geographic


  1. I do hope that things start to go better and easier for you. Meanwhile, you keep up the blogging very well indeed.

    1. Thanks, and with all the time I'm not committing to other pursuits, some of the blogs may suffer a bit. Sorry in advance!

  2. You are nice to volunteer, I hope everything is well. Great quote! Take care, have a great day!

    1. Well, I haven't heard back from the guy about volunteering. I did hear from someone else who wanted to know how many hours I put into volunteering for them....mmm.

  3. insurance rates have skyrocketed because of how they are designs. Remember chrome bumpers, I do!!

    1. I keep putting off the insurance calls. Not sure what chrome bumpers might have to do with rates. But ye, I remember them, and even running boards along the sides of cars.

    2. Oh it finally sunk in, rates rise due to crashes where the materials are shoddy.

  4. I was rather torn as to which YouTube video to show of John James. He's never been very famous, apart from during the 1970s when he and another guitarist, Pete Berryman, recorded an album of gentle but dazzling guitar duets, called "Sky In My Pie". At that time I was involved with my college folk club and I recall at least two memorable evenings listening to Mr James. Thank you for continuing to spread the cause of good music.

    1. BTW all guitars are strung with the bass strings at the top - you must have got hold of a guitar owned by a left-hander.

    2. idea who's it was, the guitar, these many years later. I'm pretty partial to folk music of any kind, which leads me into story tellers, mythology, etc...a long and winding road!!

  5. Sometimes thoughtful people go through arrid places but it's all to the good because they are cultivating depth and soulfulness. I'm wishing all the best for you friend! Aloha

  6. Very beautiful post, some days are disappointing for people and situations, but always another more beautiful day dawns. Thanks a lot for the post!

    1. I am glad you understand how we swing along from the different kinds of days.

  7. I've been rather absent lately. Trying to catch up.


So glad to have your comments...whatever they may be. I'm one who likes to reply sometime or another, so others will see that; or you might happen back sometime and see what conversation might have started.