Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Monday, February 17, 2014

Swannanoa River

A reposted photo from last year.
Hiding behind Bi-Lo Grocery on Rt. 9 almost where it crosses's this lovely river almost at it's headwaters.  The Swannanoa River.

 Flat Creek runs down from Montreat into it, as well as several other creeks, and then the North Fork of the Swannanoa comes in, and by the time it gets to Asheville, it's still pretty small, as rivers go.  Then it joins the French Broad River which goes rushing over to the Smokies and joins the Tennessee, which eventually joins the Ohio, which goes into the Mississippi.  I've lived near all those rivers except the Ohio.

I love that all these southeastern rivers have their American Indian names still.

Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.
A.A. Milne (via Eeyore)


  1. I bet it's really pretty there when the trees are green!

  2. Love the mountain rivers and the great variation in size as they flow along.

  3. Your A. A. Milne is so true. I have grown weeds naturally for years and have learned something from each -- especially how they connect with all of nature. Every time I read your post I feel like moving there -- but for now that is not feasible. -- barbara


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