Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Monday, December 10, 2018

Good morning world

Through the windows...snow is falling again, it had stopped before dark, and some melted even.  But as my day starts, its coming down steadily, though in small flakes, more the damp kind that falls like rain.  But we don't have sleet yet.

I loved seeing people sharing how their families were sledding (or sliding on cardboard) down hills near their homes yesterday.  I don't have those photos, because I'm stuck in the apartment.

 Photo by Black Mountain News 12.9.18

 Photo by Black Mountain News 12.9.18

 Looking downhill I can see car tracks in the snow turning the corner

 Snowing, looking over the building downhill from me, there's no view of mountains in distance today.

 Through the front door's storm window, my car is barely visible on far left (below the one that is visible across the street) behind the wall and a signpost.

Yesterday there was enough wind that snow didn't accumulate for long on the branches.  Today it's very still at 8:30 am.

It's due to get warmer, and sleet and rain, called a wintry mix is the forecast.  That's great, because it means we won't have to shovel to clear paths.  I see one (at least) vehicle has come up our driveway into the parking lot.  And there are also tracks on Blue Ridge Road, a steep hill I can see just partway through my windows. Of course for a while it will be slick out there.

Can't see the interstate through the snow.  Can't see even the street lights at the foot of the hill.   And the mountains behind the trees have been obscured by falling snow for most of 2 days now.

Today's quote:
As a human being living on earth, it is important to learn to ground yourself in relation to your earth mother. (Daily Om)


  1. My snow pictures too are all from the safety of my windows or porch. Really don't want to risk a fall. Stay safe, Barb!

  2. That is a good amount of snow for your area. If you don't have to go out, don't.


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