Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Monday, April 15, 2019

Marshall, Madison County, NC

The pottery will be shared over at Alchemy of Clay blog (of course).

But these are photos of the environment in which we sauntered on Saturday morning.  I was good this year and didn't bring home more pottery!  Missed one of my favorites potters who wasn't showing this year.  He apparently had a show in Greensboro, NC.

 Downtown Marshall is still the scene of economic depression.

My friend Helen, told me that we've been doing these day trips since 2013.  What fun.  Maybe a couple of times a year we take off for parts unknown, or return to favorite places that are only a couple of hours at most away from Black Mountain, NC. And several other friends join in when they can.  It's a great thing to do when we can set a day aside to be "frivolous" or "decadent."

Someone has taken care of this antebellum house. There's a new tin roof, and fresh paint in appropriate colors.

Tulips are growing in the front bed along the old foundations.

 But we crossed the bridge to the island where art studios take up most of an old school building.

 And the large room (lunch room?) displays pottery, and has some snacks as well.

 At 11 am on Saturday (it's only a one day show) there was a good crowd.  Pottery lovers know to come early to get the best wares.

 These tulips and anemones didn't make it into displays, so were sitting out on a patio area where folks were lunching.

 The potters in studio 109 were selling stew, salads and deserts.

My friend took home a couple of their salads!

But our lunch came from this food truck, very spicy Thai food.  Yummy!

 Before leaving Marshall, we had to visit the co-op art gallery, FLOW.  Lots of beautiful things were on display!

 I was struck by this beautiful quilt...but found it was quite thin, has practically no batting at all!
The geese don't ever have any heads. And I had seen their white wings as sailboats first! One of those figure/ground things.
 And it was nice to see the artist also on display, as one of the members.


  1. Hello,

    This looks like a great day trip. The Antebellum House is pretty. I love the tulips and other flowers. The pottery show looks nice, lots of people there. I would like to try some spicy Thai food. The quilt is beautiful. Enjoy your day! Wishing you a great new week ahead!

  2. The show looked festive and well attended.


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