Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

My donations to the church auction this week

 The auction on line began on last Saturday, but the extravaganza with an auctioneer, bidding in person for special items, and food goodies won't be for another week!

Nine inch plate with hand painted glaze of The Greenman. By Barbara Rogers

Cats doing Yoga series of 4 ceramic sculptures, about 4 inches for longest dimension
here's a twisted tree pose, by Barbara Rogers

Some kind of warrior pose... with tail assist

Warrior pose front view

Bridge pose, from one side

Bridge pose from the other side

Seated tree pose, front view

Seated tree pose from side view

Hand painted quart size juice pitcher (glass) with 4 cups, (Athropologie store source.)

Today's quote:

In partnership and relationship, we harness the power of union.


  1. Love your Greenman...and the kitties! Did you make them hold the pose while you worked?🤭
    Do you miss making clay stuff? suzi/smartcat

    1. You're so funny! I actually thought of how a cat might get her body like some of the poses I'd learned (not a lot there). And the seated tree pose was my first. Yes, I really do miss making clay stuff. Have been wishing to do some again.

  2. I love these yoga cats and the plate. Beautifully done and so interesting. Do the cats OM or MEOW? Roger just said that they OMEOW! (NewRobin13)

    1. Oh you all are so cute! OMEOW! Great idea. When (and if) anyone purchases them, I'll let them know what the kitties say. Very much yoga cat!

  3. Love the Green and plate and those cats! Such talent.


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