Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Rock situating


At Town Square, as I sat at the red light, I observed a group of people situating some big rocks. I don't know if they are new, or just being adjusted. The people are probably members of the beautification committee.
Woman in dark coat arrives, and appears to give directions to the three men in orange.

I sure hope she's not expecting them to lift that rock and put it over there where she's indicating.

I'll have to drive by and look again soon to see the results!

March 19: First Day of Spring, (though the equinox is actually it's tomorrow, this year!) 
Certified Nurses Day, 
Let's Laugh Day

Today's quote:

The earth I tread on is not a dead inert mass. 
It is a body—has a spirit—is organic—and fluid to the influence of its spirit—and to whatever particle of the spirit is in me.
—Henry David Thoreau


  1. Hello,
    It may have been good that the lady appeared to give some directions to the workers.
    Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  2. ...this looks right to me, five people and one is working.

  3. Maybe, like Stonehenge, they're adjusting the rocks for the time change.

    1. I just was surprised no heavy equipment was involved. At least a huge crane like they use at Stonehenge!

  4. Haha! Just a few inches to the left. No, no, toward the right.


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