Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Monday, March 25, 2024

Snowdrops and heavy equipment


After lunch last week there were big trailers which had downloaded the earth moving bobcats.

They were doing something next to the playground, and I heard the playground is going to be updated for more accessible play by handicapped children. Sounds good!

So I walked down to the dam along the almost dry Lake Tomahawk on Fri. 3.22.24
Which was good because I wouldn't have seen these snowdrops otherwise.

So almost all of them are out of focus.

There's fencing along the dam...

And big barricades that you can't miss!

More Lake photos and blossoms and critters coming soon.

Today is:
Waffle Day, 
National Tolkien Reading Day

Today's quote:

You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing. You don’t have to do anything to earn it… No one can take this love away from you, and it will always be here.



  1. ...I hate to be a stickler, but Bobcat is brand and those aren't Bobcats. They are John Deere's!

    1. But being tractor illiterate, I think of John Deere's as tractors and lawn mowers.

  2. Hello,
    I hope they finish the playground before summer. The snowdrops are beautiful.
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

    1. I don't know how they (B.M. Recreation and Parks Dept.) can have 2 constructions going on at the same time at the lake. We shall see!

  3. What you are calling snowdrops, we call lily of the valley. We had some at our previous place of residence.

    1. We have Lily of the Valley also...they have several blossoms on each stem, and are later appearing here, if the come back at all.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks. I'm looking for blooms everywhere I go these days. People, ha! They only are interesting if they can tell me where some blooms are!


So glad to have your comments...whatever they may be. I'm one who likes to reply sometime or another, so others will see that; or you might happen back sometime and see what conversation might have started.