Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Milkweed by the road!

Driving out of the Altapass Orchard parking lot back onto the Blue Ridge Parkway, what did I spy but the elusive milkweed!

Had to stop traffic and take its picture.  This is the only plant that our area supports Monarch Butterflies to lay their eggs on, and which is eaten by their caterpillars.

Of course in the fall there's not much left but the tailtell seed pods.

I hope these plants continue to thrive here.  They are not Roundup resistant, and many farmers have killed them in the dusting of crops when the wind blows Roundup into the ditches where Milkweed used to florish.

Quote for today:

Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense regardless of how it turns out.
Vaclav Havel

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Remembering last month

Nestled in a bit of a hollow just below the Blue Ridge Parkway, way in the distance, you can see the Altapass Orchard...from the Bear Den Overlook.

That's because the trees are pruned and round and green against natures brilliance of early autumn (a month ago).

Helen and I enjoyed our fresh home made apple pie in the sun out of the wind...on a porch overlooking much of the orchard.

We were entertained by the owner, Bill Carson, who shamelessly solicited our support to keep the Orchard going, as it is now a non-profit trust.

The many apples were certainly well as other apple related products.  I just wasn't too thrilled that the golden delicious apples were left on the trees for "you pick um" rather than being in a half-peck or bushel for me to take home.

I'm not exactly one of the "you pick ems" these days.  I'm a "you eat em."

Friday, November 28, 2014

Howdy Harley!

Swannanoa, NC is home to a huge Harley Davidson store. (Seannanoa is the next town towards Asheville, from Black Mountain)

Just off I-40, I think many a cyclist comes from miles around to check out things here.  If I were still riding (not a Hog) I'd be interested!

I bet you thought I'd have a photo of at least one motorcycle, didn't you?

Quote for today:

The world is evolving from imperfection to perfection. It needs all love and sympathy; great tenderness and watchfulness are required from each one of us.
Hazrat Inayat Khan

Thursday, November 27, 2014

What dreams are made of this

Panther, the cat, dreams all day long, then all night long.  She wakes to eat, use the litter box, and jump around in cat-filled joy for a while, but the main thing in her life is SLEEP.

I bet you thought I'd have a Thanksgiving post.  Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.  Be safe.  Don't eat too much!

Quote for today:

Take care of yourself — you never know when the world will need you.
Rabbi Hillel