Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Autumn colors

 No kidding. Driving around Black Mountain is hard, I keep wanting to stop and capture another beautiful tree!

The eastern Black Mountain welcome sign has been given new plantings and some characters of the season.

No, I'm not crazy...this is some kind of pipe system that's being monitored for some reason, just down the hill from me. They've dug deep, put in some huge PVC pipes, and now this was the view a few days ago. I think we used to call these Super Fund Sites. Something horrible was in that earth that needed to stay buried forever or longer. But this isn't on the EPA list of Super Fund Sites. Will ask at Town Hall next.

I should just stop trying to take photos through the windshield. I don't realize how tinted it is until I get them home and an orange tree looks like this.

My home views...

October 4

Oct 12

Oct 13

Today's quote:

It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him. 
-J.R.R. Tolkien, novelist and philologist (1892-1973)


  1. It is a beautiful season of color there. I love it!

    1. I just drive around for errands, and sometimes take a "long cut" vs. short cut, and find even more fun colors.

  2. I do understand the compulsion to stop and shoot. 😀

    1. Windows down in the car has been my most normal mode. No tripod for me, nor camera with various settings. They are home on the shelf.

  3. Those colors are spectacular. Since it's still 70 degrees here (unheard of!) we don't have much autumn color and probably won't.

    1. 70 still? Where are you? Texas? Arizona? Spain?

    2. Nope, Western Washington State. Climate change is definitely real!

    3. Oh my goodness, Margaret. So sorry to hear that you all still are having such hot weather.

  4. Your trees show their amazing colours, ours are pretty dull, greenish yellow looking. The wind blows most of them off the trees but I do miss the spectacular colours I grew up with.

    1. Sorry to hear that Bill. I have been in a few places that don't have autumn (like Florida, Texas etc.) Glad to share what we've got!

  5. I'm the same, taking picture after picture of all this beauty.

    1. Good to hear. All over facebook there are some gorgeous views!

  6. Fall is such a lovely time of year. Getting us ready for the winter whites and grays.

    1. I do know that grey will be soon...not so much white as you have.

  7. Lovely foliage! If there are dragons near you, I hope they are friendly.


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