Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Monday, October 10, 2022

Whenever we're gone

 Marcia had a good subject on her blog on Sat. (Here) about how some of our favorite bloggers just disappear. We never know what happened to them. Blogging is an active word, you've got to be there typing and clicking your mouse to make it happen, not to mention entering photos in whichever way you choose. Suddenly being unable to do those things means a vacuum in the blog-space which you have occupied.

Having a relative or friend who can write a final blog for one is a good idea, and making that plan in writing also.

I actually started writing a final blog, "From a past tense." 

It was to publish sometime in the future, saying goodbye to my bloggers. But I started it before the pandemic, so lots of comments I made had to do with that. And other anxieties I went through, as well as some joyful events. So it's a hit-or-miss journal and yet the purpose was originally to just say, I've stopped blogging and this is why...or something simple like that. Now I think I'll go back and move all the journaling stuff elsewhere! If that's the title of my blog someday, it will refer to some space of time that has lapsed since I last wrote actively, and that pre-published blog of goodbye.

"The earth is our mother. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons and daughters of the earth.  This we know. All things are connected. Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web we do to ourselves." Chief Seattle


  1. Someone just disappearing into the ether leaves a hurt, a painful vacuum..even if you have never met in person!
    I wish some would leave a post saying Hey. I have stopped blogging...but I am still here! I know some still follow and comment on my blog but no longer blog themselves...a bit like a poet I knew who stated "I have said my say"...
    Having someone post something to say that This Blogger is No More....a good idea.

    1. Excellent thoughts that echo mine. Yet a sudden death, or moving into a nursing home situation after hospitalization can happen to elders, and maybe sad to say, I love reading blogs by elders. They have so much to say!

  2. ...I hope to be sticking around a bit longer.

    1. Well, we all do. This goes along with estate planning. Just a good thought to consider sometime or another.

  3. Hello,
    It is a good idea to have someone write a final blog, I often think of those bloggers that just disappear. I hope they are ok. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. We should gather a list of the bloggers who have disappeared on our reading lists. Don't know what we'd do with it though...disappeared bloggers are a bit hard to contact!

  4. Some of us will know when we are nearing the end, so we may have time to write a goodbye if we are able. One or two bloggers who have passed were able to do that.

    1. Yes, I enjoyed one blogger who planned her death, and went through all the processing sharing them with us...but then her friend posted that she had died. That was that. Of course. Just sad to remove her blog from my list.

  5. Thanks for extending the conversation on this subject. Falling asleep last night I started to think about some of the bloggers that just disappeared and wondered what happened. As AC said above some have let us know they were ill and dying so we could say our good byes. There was a gardening blogger called Granny who did that and then when she did pass her daughter wrote a final blog post. It gave closure.

    1. Here's that post telling the blogging world of Granny's passing
      I didn't realize it was a 8 years ago!

    2. Thanks for that connection, though I don't think I'd been reading her blog. I read another one by a woman who was unexpectedly dying, and up to her death she posted almost daily.

  6. I have thought about this for a while now, what happened to those bloggers who just stop. The last blog post stays unchanged for years. I would like to write my own farewell post when the time comes, or maybe Roger will do it for me. I think it is good to say our good byes while we can. Then I wonder about leaving the blog up for good, or until Google decides it has had enough of our blogging world.

    1. Now that's a scary thought...I would be very angry if google decided to dump all my memories that I've saved through these different blogs, my ancestry on one, my art interests on another, my area I live in here...and the one I was pretty outspoken on that I'm no longer posting to. Three is quite enough!

  7. I know of one blogger who died in a car accident. And of another who passed away suddenly.

    1. If I recall with the first one, someone else closer to where they lived heard about it on the news. The second, a family member posted about it in their father's blog. There was another blogger, Kay, who had a blog out in Washington state, and in the last year of her life handed it over to another area photographer to carry on. That photographer sometime later mentioned Kay had died.

  8. Chief Seattle was wise.

    If you want someone to post for you, you have to give them your password. I recall a couple of bloggers whose relatives or friends explained what happened in the comments of the last post. East [somewhere I can’t spell] Cameragirl and her husband were killed in an auto accident. I always wondered if they had slowed down to take a picture. And there were a few great photobloggers whose deaths were announced on Facebook. Mr. Lincoln died in his 80’s, and a black and white photo artist in Europe died of Covid. That one shocked me! It was early in the pandemic and he was so talented. Sigh!

    1. Good point about password. As I mentioned (I think) I've a post that says goodbye to all my blogger's already written, and I just keep changing the date to the future when it will publish. As long as I am alive I can do that (keep changing the date). When I'm gone, eventually it will be posted...if google so allows!

    2. East Gillimbury Cameragirl, aka Tina, was the photo blogger. She lived in a place northeast of Toronto.


So glad to have your comments...whatever they may be. I'm one who likes to reply sometime or another, so others will see that; or you might happen back sometime and see what conversation might have started.