Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Friday, November 25, 2022

Breathe in evergreens


As I approach the market on Tuesday before Thanksgiving, this is what my eyes beheld.

And oh, the scent of fresh evergreens! Though they were probably harvested over a week ago, they really looked good.

Lots of identical trees, with about 7 foot in height, and pretty well rounded. Price? About equal to $10 a foot...a sweet $69.

It was sunny and mild yesterday (Thanksgiving) so I pulled my cap on and walked a bit...and found out walking in grocery stores is nothing compared to going up and down hills! I ate a nice serving of turkey with mushroom gravy, sour cream mashed potatoes (prepared by Lil Sprout Catering) and a kale salad with Caesar dressing and even parmesan sprinkles...pretty good. I've got left overs of everything. My thrill was the Scarlett Pie, (Whole Foods) with pears, apples, cranberries and walnuts, and a crumb topping. I even had another piece as my supper later on watching a movie. "I Know Why the Crawdad Sings." Very good.

Today's quote:
If we would only give, just once, the same amount of reflection to what we want to get out of life that we give to the question of what to do with a two weeks' vacation, we would be startled at our false standards and the aimless procession of our busy days. 
-Dorothy Canfield Fisher, author, reformer, and activist (1879-1958)


  1. Hello,
    The live pine trees do have a wonderful scent. It's been years since I had a live Christmas tree. Take care, have a happy weekend!

    1. I remember many years going to a Christmas tree lot and getting a few branches to hang on the wall, when my home was too small for any kind of tree!

  2. share live in Fraser Fir country.

    1. Yes, these mountain slopes (and some valleys) grow some beautiful Christmas trees. The one at the White House this year came from NC.

  3. It seems so early for real trees to be cut, but they must know what they are doing.

    1. A dead tree will certainly be shedding many needles by Christmas, inside a nice warm dry house!

  4. Ah yes, Christmas season is definitely on its way. (NewRobin13)

    1. It sure is. I some days turn on my window lights, and some days don't. Sort of "do I want to life my and my neighbor's moods today or not?"

  5. Sounds like you had a good meal. I can't imagine those trees will be very lively by Christmas.

    1. Thanks Kristin...I'm glad to have reasonable amounts of left overs too. But the trees that are dying will support lights and glitter and balls as they expire. I'm sorry, I really hate to see cut trees. I had live trees for my later ones, and then a few fake ones. Trees belong in the ground with roots, I'm pretty sure.

  6. I am amused to note that oth you and my husband watched the same film last evening. Ut up here in Canada we did not eat nearly so well. That pie sounds heavenly.

  7. My 'b' key seems to have should have been both and But. Proofreading is a Good Thing. Apologies.


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