Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Sigh, and a treat for me!

 Dermatologist annual appointment yesterday morning. No big deal...just a couple little tags frozen off...with a bit of pain.

This says exactly what my animal brain thinks of doctors...they use snakes...of one kind or another. And my animal brain says, staya long way away from them.  But then my rational brain says, ok, they've proven useful at times, so we'll try to trust them, this time.

ThenI had to get some groceries for the feast for one. And I had to treat myself good for having my head frozen in spots.

I brought home a slice of Tuxedo Cheese Cake!

Which went very well with a hot cup of honey-sweetened coffee. I'm finding giving up creamer has helped my cough, a bit anyway. I know, I've made up for decreasing that dairy by adding the cheesecake, but nobody said I was logical!

Today's quote:
The secret of joy is the mastery of pain. -Anais Nin, writer (1903-1977)

(and a piece of pie and coffee!)


  1. YUM, the cheesecake looks delicious! I put honey in my coffee too. Take care, have a great day!

    1. I'm saving the second half for the next day...hope it survives my fridge! Love honey. Buy it local of course,

  2. Aww .. . Sorry about the dinner for one. I know that TG is a pretty huge deal down there, I do think you'll be okay with good desserts and all, but still …

    1. I am grateful to be able to purchase and prepare food for myself. I almost went to a free Thanksgiving Meal at a local church today...but decided there were certainly more deserving folks than myself to eat that. I'll have lots of phone calls with family at least.

  3. Oh wow, you just reminded me that I used to put honey in my coffee (and then my tea) for years. For some reason I stopped and started using sugar. Mmm. Now I'm wondering why. That dessert looks yummy. (NewRobin13)

    1. It was really delicious cheesecake, but I'm not really a fan of sponge cake, which the dark caked ended up being, rather than a crust. I can actually be a desert snob, ha ha! Enjoy more honey!

  4. The cheesecake looks delicious. Happy Thanksgiving to you, hope you have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks Bill. It was all gone pretty quickly, and each bite gave me a burst of pleasure! So tasty!


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