Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Tuesday, November 8, 2022


I'm currently reading a novel, with lots of breaks, about some of the Germans in Berlin or on the front lines during WW II. It's particularly hard to read the treatment of Jews and Russians. And the mind-numbing party-line that was indoctrinated in the leaders who then offered favors to those who did the dirty work. Much as any political machine, unfortunately, but here millions died. 

I hope by the end of today I won't be crying as I consider living under a fascist governance.


  1. I voted, I dropped off my ballot as soon as I could. I rec'd an email saying it was received too. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. ...we are off to vote this morning.

    1. Great. Hope there are only minimal lines! But actually I hope there are at least a few lines! More voters please!!

  3. Voting today, but in this red state, I hold little hope of a good outcome.

    1. I'm not only in a red state, but a gerrymandered district so it's blue votes are split up. I only have a bit of hope.

  4. Have you read When Time Stopped? A true account of one family. Very good read.

    1. Haven't read that... sounds interesting. Just finished a novel about WW II German family, a young man soldier and a woman in Berlin...and all the changes they went through during and right after the war. It wasn't easy in places. The Undertaking by Audrey Magee.

  5. I'm not even very hopeful in my blue state. The GOP has convinced too many people to vote against their own interests and brainwashed them to believe lies.

    1. I'm glad to hear that you have a majority Blue at least. We have had a Democrat Governor, with all the legislators being GOP. It's made for some interesting laws, remember the bathroom law for LGBTQ's? Yep, North Carolina. I wonder if anyone figured out a way to enforce that one!

  6. My mother's family lost many loved ones in the Holocaust. My grandmother's mother and brothers died in in Auschwitz. My father was fighting on the front lines during the Battle of the Bulge. The talk of anti-semitism these days truly breaks my heart. Today's election is so important, one of the most important of my lifetime. This is comment is from NewRobin13. Blogger won't let me log in.

    1. Oh Robin, that's so touching to know about your relatives' suffering. It was a terrible crime against humanity and espeically Jews and any minorities. I agree, this election is a turning point. Either justice and democracy win, or what? I just heard that some younger people are planning to leave the country if in '24 tRump is reelected. I can't watch the results tonight...too nerve wracking!

  7. I hope the outcome will be positive and lots of young people vote.


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