Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Thursday, November 3, 2022

My Neighborhood

 Somehow with Halloween, this post didn't get posted last week. So these are what vegetation looked like a week ago!

The hardy pots, left outside for some rain.

These are the maples that I look out upon (and through!)

My balcony is above the entrance to the downstairs apartment. I have no access beyond that little square, and the downstairs neighbors have no access on the other side at all, being deep under the hill.

The morning after the light rain...a few more leaves on walkways!

This is my neighborhood.

I'm missing at least two bloggers who many of you may have also read...By Stargoose and Hanglands, and The Weaver of Grass. Does anyone know why they are no longer posting?

Today's quote:

You cannot belong to anyone else until you belong to yourself.



  1. wonderful to still be able to enjoy the fall colors.

  2. You’ve got some very nice pics. I did some garden cleanup yesterday for pickup to the sompst yard. I’m a bit sore today. 🤓.

    1. Good for you, exercising those back muscles that have hopefully healed.

  3. Your maples turned a lovely shade of red. Trees are totally bare here now. I've missed John's posts too on Stargoose and Hanglands. I expect the worst. I don't read Weaver of Grass but have seen her commenting on blogs I read but I can't recall when was the last time.

    1. I really wish everyone had a "last blog" posted sometime in the future (easy to date it say 3 months ahead of today, then change it before it posts if you're still around) saying "Good bye my friends, I'm not here any more." Of course when nothing is said, that's the most we know!

  4. I love seeing the fall colors there. I am so glad you post these photos. It's all very beautiful. I have missed John By Stargoose and Hanglands as well. I wish there was a way to contact him just to check in. I hope he starts to post again. I think one of the last posts I read on Weaver Of Grass said she was going to stop posting for a while. I could be wrong about that, my memory ain't what it used to be.

    1. I remember reading that Weaver was about to celebrate a 90 something birthday. Miss her down to earth posts. John had such great rambles!

  5. Your second shot is my favourite.

    I follow that first blog. However I noticed yesterday with another blog I follow that four weeks of posts came out of nowhere all of a sudden.

    1. Oh, that's not happened that I know of. Interesting to know!

  6. Your neighborhood looks beautiful. Lots of pretty foliage and nice views.

    1. Thank you Bill. I am surprised I lived here for over 7 years with hearing about it, but it was tucked well behind huge bushes at each entrance (and still is.)

  7. Beautiful trees! I always wonder when someone disappears from blogging. My blogging friends are special to me.

  8. I lived in Asheville for many years so I love visiting your blog and seeing the amazing Fall colors! WOW! It was a good year!


So glad to have your comments...whatever they may be. I'm one who likes to reply sometime or another, so others will see that; or you might happen back sometime and see what conversation might have started.