Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Saturday, January 7, 2023

If Sepia Saturday were here - oh wait, it is!

 Then I could post all these wonderful shots from yesteryear!

 (NOTE, Thursday morning I found that Sepia Saturday was posted again...thanks Alan Burnett in England!) So hopefully there will be others still interested. SEPIA SATURDAY rises again!

New Year's Eve 1935, Time's Square.

Teens pushing their Model T, photo by Nina Leen, Life Magazine, 1944.

Edwardian house and people. Photo by Gail Durban. 1900's

Newgrange, Ireland

Winter coat, 19th century

Agatha Christi, in Paris, 1906

A repost from May 1928 from Bend to Eugene on the MacKinsie Pass, Oregon

Compared to the December 2022 storm that hit Buffalo NY

No one can go anywhere. Tues, Dec. 2022. Nothing is melting. There's a travel ban in Buffalo NY

Today's quote:
Religions are not revealed: they are evolved. If a religion were revealed by God, that religion would be perfect in whole and in part, and would be as perfect at the first moment of its revelation as after ten thousand years of practice. There has never been a religion that fulfills those conditions. -Robert Blatchford, journalist and author (17 Mar 1851-1943)


  1. Hello,
    Great series, I like the photo of Agatha Christie. During these times with Covid, I would not want to be in Times Square crowd on New Year's Eve. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

    1. I agree, yet the crowd happened again this year! I looked for a book about Agatha's life at a bookstore yesterday, will keep looking for it. Seems like a lady I'd like to know a bit more about. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Happy Weekend too!

  2. ...New Year's Eve 1935, Time's Square looks like Trump's image of his inaugural crowd.

  3. Buffalo did get hit hard. I think though that the date on your last photo is incorrect. The storm hit on Thursday night the 22nd. Daughter and family who live in Buffalo left town on the 21st to drive to GA. Their house got several feet of snow after they departed. Could be the photo is from Thanksgiving storm?

    1. Good to know...and now I'll change it. I just copied it with the caption from FB...and who knows how they decided. I can just make it be Dec. storm.

  4. I always enjoy looking at these old photos, they are wonderful. My wife recently read a new book on Agatha Christi, it's by Lucy Worsley.

    1. I looked for that book at an out-of-town book store yesterday...they didn't have it. I'll try my local one in Asheville next...they can usually order it

  5. Great photos. And I love the quote.

  6. A colleague mentioned being in New York one year at New Year's Eve and how packed the blocks around Times Square were.

  7. Those last 3 pictures had me shivering! And I don't believe I'd ever care to drive over MacKinsie Pass. Yikes. Does the lake in your heading ever freeze over so you could ice skate on it?

    1. Good choices. No Lake Tomahawk may be shallow, but our weather (at least since I've been here) hasn't stayed cold enough for ice to thicken. Knock on wood.

  8. I always enjoy the snow scenes. We get a mild amount of snow every 5 years or so. Just enough to scrape together to make a snowman. On the other habd this very dry state we live in is suffering bad flooding along our main river. Many houses and shacks are under water.

    1. So sorry to hear about the flooding. I hope things settle down a bit, but with climate change, I figure that more is likely to come.

  9. At first glance I thought the 2nd from the bottom was of a parking lot with snowe in cars, then I enlarged and got the "full picture"... Not cars but houses... Wow. :o

    1. It is pretty amazing, and the last one shows how deep it was, and tracks of someone who had snowshoes so just walked right down the street on top of it all!

  10. Just imagine all the murders swirling around in that innocent looking head of Agatha Christi.

    1. Ha ha ha...she who learned about poisons, then used that in her mysteries!

  11. Thanks for a fine collection of images to start the new year. Though we were fortunate not to lose power or water during the "great deep freeze" here in Asheville, at 0° F it was cold enough for ice to form inside on the front door window. I scrapped it off and taped bubble wrap over the glass and hung a blanket over the door which helped a bit. I don't want to think what would happen if we were hit with Buffalo's level of snow too.

    1. I did feel bad for those people without power who had no alternate heating methods. Glad that you figured out good coping methods for our own 8 hours of 0 degrees F. I need to get some bubble wrap on my bathroom window which faces north.

  12. If I lived somewhere with a mild winter, I’d love that coat. Wow.

  13. The Times Square crowd photo is great.


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