Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Trains and Black Mountain NC

Hi for Saturday again.

Today's weather report (what's actually happened in the last 24 hours) - very chilly wind...though the sun did put in an appearance. Then back below freezeing overnight.

Sepia Saturday this week suggests something to do with trains!

Georgia O'Keeffe has the same thought that I do...have I any trains hidden in all my stashes of sepia toned photos? Any trains at all?

Here's an interesting Sepia Saturday that I shared last August, loading hospitalized patients on a train.

So here's a post from a few years ago, when I worked as a docent at our History Museum.

Black Mountain was a train town...which brought many visitors here in the past. No more though. The Interstate highway is the best way to get here now.

Unfortunately some young visitors moved things around yesterday while i was downstairs talking to the train got all it's cars taken off the tracks. It's probably fixable by someone with a steady hand and eye.

It is lots of fun when it's treated well...has bells, whistles and some phrases too.

All Aboard!!

As I've been feeling less than par. I decided to repost from some older posts. I like having flowers to look at in that's the topic I'll be using for myself. 

Today's quote:

Sometimes we purposefully, though unconsciously, cut ourselves off from the flow and the embrace of humanity so we can avoid dealing with painful issues.


  1. I am sure that you were a very decent docent.

    1. Well, sorta. Didn't know as much history as I was there to learn.

  2. ...back in the day, trains were a game changer.

    1. Yes, until trains came here, this town was called Grey Eagle. Train stop was named Black Mountain. Thanks train people!

  3. Hello,
    Trains are a big attraction for visitors. I remember my father working on the train gardens during the Christmas holidays. Have a happy weekend.

  4. The photo of the model train set up reminded me of my brother's "train set" as we called it. Dad built it for him. It was laid out on a large slab of plywood that could be stored under his bed & pulled out easily when he (or me!) wanted to play with it. There was a bridge, a tunnel, a little town, and farmland for the train to go over, under, through, and past. Neat fun! There's a house up the street from us which has been for sale for quite a while and the reason for the difficulty in selling the place probably has something to do with the fact that the owner is a serious model train enthusiast & much of the house is designed to handle the huge collection. Sometimes too much of a good thing can be a problem.

    1. Oh my goodness, about the house with all the model trains! When my boys were young we took a whole sheet of plywood and put it on sawhorses in the garage, and built a mountain in the middle, cut out so you could sit inside it, and made an HO guage trainset. Unfortunately we sold the house within 6 months. But it was fun, and I wish someone had taken photos.

  5. Oh, for more rail service! I remember, back in the Fifties, riding the train from Tampa to Waynesville to go the Camp Junaluska. Once there was passenger service from Marshall to Asheville. Wouldn't that be nice!

    1. The train services in the US have dwindled to just freight. I wish we could just go by train wherever we wished, and didn't have just flying or driving as our options these days.

  6. Trains here are by and large off in the south sections of the city.

  7. I wish we had more train service too. They have pared it down until it's a really hassle to ride the train.

    1. Just around the bigger cities in New England, and a sad train to Chicago, and St. Louis probably still has some passenger service. I guess commuter trains are the ones that are still most active.

  8. I hope you are feeling better, and that its just the winter blahs.

    1. Thanks, I do usually have some blah periods during Dec-Feb.

  9. Georgia looks so pensive. I like the Black Mountain Station photo. So many folks rushing.

    1. There certainly were a lot of people going every which way!

  10. Model trains make a great match for the theme. Looking at the old photos of the train station makes me long for a return to a real rail system in America. Every time I pass the old depot in Asheville I wish there was a service that would take me to the airport or some regional town like Greenville, Waynesville or even Black Mountain.

    1. Yes, a shuttle service even to Charlotte would be so nice.

  11. Model trains are irresistible to children.

    1. Aren't they fun? And most children never see a real train, let alone ride in one!

  12. This reminds me that my dad also had quite a large table with a model railway in his hobby room in the cellar of the house where we lived back in my teens... He built the landscape himself (possibly mum helped a bit too, with the houses and details).


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