Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Saturday, May 20, 2023

The disappearing poppy fields


Warren Wilson College students posted this field on their farm FaceBook last week.

The next day there was rain. So Tuesday morning (noonish) I drove over as the sun was beating down making us have an 80 degree day. May 16.

I really didn't know where these fields were!

Several views of newly plowed fields. Sigh.

This seemed the farthest extent of fields, so I turned around. Loved those clouds, but big rain was due that night, coming from the opposite direction. My trip was not completely unfruitful, as I cropped this for a new header photo.

The barn and cows seemed to be framed by the appropriate closer mountain, like the poppy field had.

But there are mountains all over the place!

Sharing with Skywatch Friday

Today's Quote:

It is by character and not by intellect the world is won. -Evelyn Beatrice Hall, biographer (1868-1956)


  1. Beautiful views of the poppy fields and the mountains. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks for commenting. These views were surprisingly beautiful...though as I mentioned, I never got to see the poppies in the fields. I wonder, if they were the ones plowed over. And what the crops might be. Have a fun weekend yourself!

  2. ...gorgeous images of a beautiful area.

    1. Thanks. Apparently traveling back roads on weekdays, it is possible sometimes to pull aside with just a blinker going, and the rare traffic will pass on by. But often if it's a curve, I fear that I would not be seen in time!

  3. Such beautiful fields of poppies. It really is so lovely there in spring.

  4. I think that was a beautiful drive anyway.

    1. It was. And our forecasted storms didn't merit the weatherman's warnings.

  5. Someone plowed the poppies under? Shame, shame, shame.

    1. Well, I'm not exactly sure, as there are lots of fields around there, and just these along this road might not have included the poppies. It would be possible they needed to get a crop in, but I wonder if poppy seeds will be still in the earth the next spring that way. I'm hoping so!

  6. Enjoy seeing those beautiful views. The mountains are pretty impressive in the background.

    1. Thank you. Love these mountains, especially to look at. Driving around in them is sort of fun too. I couldn't post in Friday Sky Watch, for some reason it's not showing her whole post.

    2. And a few hours later, Skywatch Friday was back up and working! That's the way these blogging things seem to go.

  7. Hmm, a poppy mystery. We'll never know but I wonder if it was a photo from a previous year.
    Never mind though, you found some great photos to share with us.

  8. I have never seen a poppy field till now. How beautiful! Thanks for sharing.


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