Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Friday, April 29, 2022

The greening of the mountains

 It's going fast this year, especially with several 70 degree days, and one 80 degrees in April!

These are dated April 25~

Monday, April 25, 2022

Cold at Community Gardens

 Last week was it, or the week before, a few frosty nights?

When I tried to walk around the Community Gardens...I gave up, took a few photos of plots, and didn't work against the cold winds. I knew it would also be cold if I tried to walk around Lake Tomahawk.

I feel like I've already posted these photos...but can't find a post with them on maybe this is redundant.

This tree reminds me of you know it?

These seedlings are protected by straw mulch, as well as wire fencing to keep Mr. Bunny out.

A couple of successfully covered plants for the cold nights...with a lot of rocks to keep the plastic in place!

Now at least I know the owner of this plot!

I wonder what these are...they look like they sprouted from twigs!

These look so delicious!

This chart was last updated in 2019. Good old COVID pandemic delays.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Around the parking lots...


I hadn't seen a cat in our neighborhood for several years. This little guy was watching where the robins usually were eating their breakfast. No robins that morning!

While waiting to go into a doctor's appointment a few weeks ago, I ate my lunch while looking at this interesting tree.

Buckle up. Shits about to get real!

This very interesting jeep parked next to me, and a blond woman got out!

I would guess that jeep could go just about anywhere in these mountains!

Friday, April 22, 2022

Spring at the lake

 We walked around Lake Tomahawk mid-month. Beautiful weather!

I would stop frequently to see how something could become a photo!

A house which overlooks the dam of Lake Tomahawk has a new roof on it's deck.

The new house being built further up the hill seems to be advancing slowly.

Older houses have pretty lawns and trees.

For Skywatch Friday!

Today's quote:

Mother Teresa once said, "Be happy in the moment; that's enough. Each moment is all we need, not more."

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Near the Community Garden

 The Swannanoa flows along on the side of the gardens

In the distance are some of the Black Mountains, the oldest mountains in the US. Here some of them are also called the Seven Sisters.

A strange looking bird nest box, with a baffle to keep out animals who like to eat eggs. 
The highway in the distance is I-40.

I was really trying to capture the greening of the mountains...which starts in the lower elevations and creeps up the mountain sides.

My guess is these are raspberry canes along the wire, but I don't know the low plants. Maybe comfrey?

Today's quote:

Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.
-H.G. Wells, writer (21 Sep 1866-1946)

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

To remember the Grove Park Inn

  This is the last of our visit to the Omni Grove Park Inn. I will have the memories for many years to come.

This trio of friends has another day trip planned again soon!

Today's Quote:

Every government has as much of a duty to avoid war as a ship's captain has to avoid a shipwreck. 

-Guy de Maupassant, short story writer and novelist (5 Aug 1850-1893)

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Early Grove Park Inn Visitors

 Right inside the lobby (which is huge, including a nice big fire in one of the two fireplaces)...tucked in a corner is this antique car, with this sign below.

"Just after the Inn opened in 1913, a ragtag group of notable individuals, calling themselves the Vagabonds, began a summer tradition of stopping at the Grove Park Inn on their way to the Great Smoky Mountains. This group consisted of inventors Thomas A. Edison, Henry Ford, and Harvey Firestone, all of whom reveled in the beauty of this area and shared a genuine  love of camping and the great outdoors. The Vagabonds took to the mountains in a vehicle much like this one, a Tin Lizzy or  Ford Model "T" outfitted to carry the food and enough gear to set up the camp with all the comforts [of] their celebrity homes."


A photo from the Grove Park Inn site on internet...showing the big fireplace with a fire.

Today's quote:

The true civilization is where every man gives to every other every right that he claims for himself. 

-Robert Green Ingersoll, lawyer and orator (11 Aug 1833-1899)

Monday, April 18, 2022

Joyful Sharing


My friends are agreeable towards my taking their photos...

And I sometimes grab a selfie of myself. We were mostly outside for this visit, though the staff were wearing their masks. I had lost mine somehow before just hoped everyone in the small shop were not carriers. Nor myself of course.

Today's quote:

 "Between two evils, I like to pick the one I haven't tried before,” and "I used to be Snow White, but I drifted."

- Mae West