Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Sunday, July 23, 2023

There's gold in the flowers, plus a blogger friend loss

 Before I give my post today I want to confirm that we've lost fellow blogger John, of Beans And I on The Loose. His wife Janie wrote and said...

Hello follower's from Beans and I on the loose...

I am sad to report that John passed away July 21, 2023 in South Dakota. It was very unexpected, he was 74 young. It was a peaceful passing, he went to sleep in motorhome. I am his wife of 53 years. I knew something wasn't right when he was not replying to my texts, emails, or calls. I was able to find him with help of our two adult children. Beans is doing fine, however misses him a lot too. He was a good man and will be dearly missed by his family, and his followers. He loved his followers these past 10 years, as much as he loved reading and writing. There may be additional posts here in near future. Hold him in your daily thoughts...

I added this comment:

 Sending heart felt condolences to Janie and family, and poor old Beans. I just decided to check (his) old post again, and was somewhat relieved, but mainly shocked that John is gone from our blogging community. Thank you Janie for letting us know what happened. That is the relief. My heart goes out to you all as I'd been chatting as a commenter here for the last couple of years, and not expecting many answers. The posts were always interesting. I understand other bloggers have been followers for much longer. There is now a gap in our network, in the shape of John.

I've lost other blog friends, and there was often a sickness that was known about, so their sudden disappearance was kind of understood. One  blogger said she moved to be with her daughter, and we never heard from her again...which I hope means she was getting good care. Our blogger-land is fragile, where there are new people every day starting to post, but not as many as there were 10 or 15 years ago. 

The Swannanoa Histry Museum is the next entrance, then the Fine Arts Center. But this historic marker should really be placed in a less visited place, and the one down the hill which nobody every sees since it's in a driving area, not walking, and it talks about Black Mountain College and Bucky Fuller teaching one should be here in town where all the visitors would see it. Michaux had little influence on anything!

Yep, I think I'll update my header again...on the other blog...this one is waiting for my birthday, which is still a month to go!

Today's quote:

People change and forget to tell each other. 

-Lillian Hellman, playwright (1905-1984)


  1. So sorry to hear about the loss of your blogger friend John. I like your header and the beautiful flower photos. I like the last quote! Take care, have a wonderful week!

  2. Thank you Eileen...I'm still in shock. Which one of us is next, is my feeling. So I put special effort to be close to my friends and listen to their voices. Yes Hellman was right, we do change, and forget to tell each other!

  3. It’s sad when this happens. I didn’t follow this blog, but I am reminded of other bloggers that I have lost.

  4. It is so sad when our blogger friends shuffle off this mortal coil, when the last post on the blog is truly the last post. May his memory be for a blessing.

  5. Reply to AC: I am surprised how much emotion I feel towards this loss of a blogger, who never read my blogs. Most of you who comment here I read your's a kind of conversation. I think my habit of reading Beans and I on the Loose with my first cup of coffee is where it hit me. Ah changes... And AC, you're in the first 5 of blogs I read each morning!

  6. Reply to Robin (this is my way of getting around those horrible black swatches that come up with "reply". It is sad for me, as well as his family, and probably for other bloggers who read his blog also. I like the idea of his memory for a blessing.

  7. I know of a couple bloggers who died, one in a car crash with her husband. I was not familiar with John.

  8. Hi Barbara. Since John's (Beans and I on the loose) blog was deleted and his ebooks gone, I made a new blog to honor his legacy. (hwyfly 2023, which i am hoping will pop up in a search, should his followers search for it...) I am working on getting his books back online available to download for free as well. I will also be sharing stories, and memories of my good friend, if you're interested, please follow along. I am new to blogging, as I did years of vlogging instead. Thanks.

    1. That's great Angela. I never was able to download his books, and I love to read them, especially the last few years when I was reading his blogs daily. Your link needs to be

  9. Thank you, Barbara, for sharing Janie's message. I'll miss hearing about his adventures with Beans.


So glad to have your comments...whatever they may be. I'm one who likes to reply sometime or another, so others will see that; or you might happen back sometime and see what conversation might have started.