Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Friday, October 13, 2023

Around home

 Enjoy good luck for Friday the 13th!

Very big mums greet everyone going into the office at the apartment complex

I just saw this on another blog, and think that Rotary members have a good idea there! My youngest son has been active with his Rotary club in his home town.

And though it was in shade, I captured this lovely setting which I also can see from my apartment across the space where the maples rule.

One of the seating areas around the office building.

We haven't had rain in over 2 weeks to speak of. So it means watering pots of flowers for us, and anyone with gardens is working their hoses. It's due this next weekend though!

It's nice for walks, and cool enough most of the day.

Sharing this post with Friday Floral Fotos

Today's quote:

Why not go out on a limb? Isn’t that where the fruit is?



  1. We have a pot of yellow out front that really stands out as soon as you turn the corner.

    1. I just put my yellow ones back on the porch railing. We shall see when the next wind may come. Perhaps with rain expected tonight. They would be happy with the rain, the wind not so much.

  2. ...multicolor mums in a single pot have become popular.

    1. It is nice, but I'm partial to simple yellow ones. They are most popular and sell out first...why don't people get the hint and not send us so many rust colored ones?

  3. The mums are looking beautiful, we may have some rain this weekend. Have a great day and a wonderful weekend!

    1. We're also due to have spotted spots that is. Hope we're one of them.

  4. Lovely flowers there to greet you at the office.

  5. Hi Barbara, Lovely flowers! Fall is definitely upon us and mums are everywhere. I wonder how that tradition started. Mums sold by the truckload this time of the year...
    As for the Harold Warp Pioneer Village, someone with a bunch of money should buy the place and market it effectively as an attraction. If I'd won that billion dollar lottery, I would have done it myself! In any case, it needs upkeep, expansion and improvements. As you'll see in future posts, the packed display spaces just go on and on. There is a lot of history here that is likely to be just sold off and scattered around the country. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Well, at least you've immortalized the Pioneer Village with your photos. Which reminds me, there's an auto shop on the road I go by everyday, specializing in European cars, but it has a nice old Caddy with fins parked outside. I want to stop and take it's photo when the shop is closed. My aim at any rate. I remember in the 60s corsages of huge mums with long fluffy petals for our Homecoming Games.

  6. The flowers are very pretty to see. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. thanks, and I hope you have a great weekend as well!

  7. The mums are lovely. My yellow mums did so well for several years; sadly they did not come back this year :-(


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