Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Celebrating lots of ways - Samhain & Halloween

Happy week of Halloween!

I'm definitely getting in the mood for celebrating the Samhain holiday from the old calendar of agricultural times, before sky scrapers and rock and roll. 

But the ghosts and ghoulies are now part of our modern celebration. I well remember my children coming home in their costumes with a haul of sugar laden treats which would last till Thanksgiving, if they were willing to let me help parse them out.

And whatever they felt like sharing, I was a very grateful mom. These days, nobody goes to an apartment complex, so I don't even buy candies to give out. Or for me to (ho ho ho she weighs herself daily) EAT!

However, I avoid all the horror films. All of them. There is enough fear in my real world that I don't need to scare myself silly intentionally. I know some people enjoy going to the edge and screaming. Not me.

Today's quote:

Poetry is the art of creating imaginary gardens with real toads. -Marianne Moore, poet  (1887-1972)


  1. I should borrow my friends powerful 'flashlight' to take photos of some of the display across the street.

    1. Good idea. Maybe not at 4 when you wake up though!

  2. Since I do not decorate for Halloween , I enjoy all the wonderful decorations I see in my neighborhood. We are in a very rural area and do not have trick-or -treaters here. Happy Halloween! Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead!

    1. I haven't lived where trick or treaters have visited for years. Sometimes I go to the street where all the little kids go and the houses are well decorated -just to take photos!

  3. I don't like the scary movies either, never have. I have three very large bags of candy and that's probably not enough for the 2 hours of trick or treating that will happen here. The township comes to the Flat for Halloween. The school PTO collects candy to distribute to those of us living here. We also participate in Teal Pumpkin for kids who can't have treats - they get toys. I have two pumpkins to carve into jack o lanterns.

    1. Oh I'm so glad the old tradition is kept alive there. Our town of Black Mountain has one street where houses are not only decorated, but have things built for kids to climb on or slide down etc...and lots of treats are provided. It starts at 5 on Halloween, and all the little ones with costumes are so cute. I only remember carving one pumpkin...and thought how it was hard work!

  4. ..for me, halloween has gotten out of control.

    1. All holidays are out of control in stores. Hunker down up there and weather it, as I know you know how to do!

  5. Halloween is still a very big holiday here. The spooky displays are out everywhere. I love seeing it. The kids still go out trick or treating in our neighborhood. It's a wild time!

    1. Oh that's great that you have kids in your neighborhood. And lots of decorated houses. That's what's fun. Stores, not so much, I'm thinking.

  6. We're too remote to get trick-or-treaters. Justin and Claui will take Josie to a neighborhood to trick-or-treat. I grew up in a neighborhood and LOVED trick or treating.

    1. I don't remember doing it myself, perhaps because I was a teen by the time we lived in suburbia, and the upstairs apartments before that didn't have treaters. But fortunately my kids got to do it!

  7. Hi Barbara, No trick or treaters in our neighborhood either. Most folks are retired and there aren't any sidewalks. We haven't seen a trick or treater over the 14 Halloweens that we've lived here. I was about 15 the last time I went trick or treating. A buddy and I decided to do it as a lark...dressed up like an old man and woman. Now I wouldn't have to dress up to play the role. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. I loved seeing a Facebook post about teens who go trick or treating still. It reminded us that this was a choice for them to renew their childhoods, and a better choice than drug use at least!

  8. I also live in an apartment building. Kids don't come.


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