Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Being by running waters


If you've ever been by a running creek, or a cascade, or waterfall, there's a physiological thing that happens to you. Seriously, that air is permeated with negative ions. The breaking of water molecules on the stones creates a different saturation in the air. A little is good, but the cold running water also can suck out your body heat, as I found sitting for an hour to do a waterfall drawing once. It then creates a condition of hypothermia, being colder than normal for a human's health. Signs are shivering, confusion and even hallucinations. 

Rhododendrons in bloom.

Western North Carolina will have moderate particulate levels from the Canada fires today. They start over 4000 feet (I live at 2400 or so) and there will also be ozone levels to endanger people with lung conditions like me. So I plan to walk at 9 am, and have a mask if I start coughing at all.

I must say I'm so disappointed, even angry, that the American news broadcasts talk on and on about our poor air quality from these fires. But do they talk about the heroic efforts being made to put them out? Heck no, they haven't any reporters going out to Canada to see what it's like for them. Geese, we are still a country of narrow minded folks...can't think of the word for those who disdain the people across the borders.
Of course I thought of xenophobia in the middle of the night...and as I add this note at 7:45 am I can smell the smoke actually. Must close up the windows to the great 62 degrees so it doesn't come inside.

Today's quote:

Art is the elimination of the unnecessary. -Pablo Picasso, painter and sculptor (1881-1973)

Sharing with Thankful Thursday


  1. ...too often the media is misguided!

    1. You said it. Being run by corporations that want you to purchase things they make, which often we don't want anyway.

  2. I hope the air clears there soon. We get that smoky air here every summer during "fire season." Not good at all. Take care there.

    1. Oh that's true, you all have fire season each year now, which is just terrible actually. Sorry you get the smoke from it also.

  3. I hope the air gets better for you. When I lived in Alaska, we had fires every year and it was extremely hard to breath. Fire season came with summer just about every year we lived there. Having to shut your windows must be aggravating but at least you get some relief. Take care!

    1. I have found I can only wear a N-95 mask a short time, so it's not worth trying to walk with one. Hey, nobody said getting old was for the faint of heart! (or lungs!)

  4. I'm carrying water and sporting a bandanna most days now.

    1. Yes, I don't go out without a water bottle either. The mask is also available. But today I stayed inside, thankfully.

  5. Being near water, especially running water, is good for the soul.

    1. Yes, and I want to go back again soon. As soon as the smoke clears at least.

  6. I have heard something similar about showers and ions. I don’t know if it is true. We will run the AC tonight because the air quality is low. Those fires have been going for weeks. When will they end?

    1. I was just sent an article which links the fires and smoke to climate change. So sad to know that there is all that damage from them also.

  7. I've seen coverage on some weather channels, mostly maps, some video footage, etc. has a map of where the fires are, there is a spot "overlays", click on it and select active fires. The fires cover massive areas, are far North and remote. The decline in journalists, and media money for journalists and travel and the remote locations impact coverage. The fire risk this summer is not a small problem, and it will get worse as the summer progresses.

  8. Do we ever know what happens by watching or reading the news? And if something isn't in the newspaper does it not happen? They tell us there is smok in the sky over Switzerland, but how do I know it isn't sand from the Sahara? All I can see is a great sunset due to the reflecting dust in the air.

    I love putting my feet into a creek but only as long as it feels good. We have to be watchful to thoughts, feelings and body experiences.

    Have a nice weekend!


  9. You are correct, no mention of the hard/dangerous work of the firefighters. Also, such destruction from the fires. I have natural springs/waterfalls on my farm and have spent many days there. Thanks for linking up and have a great week.


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