Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Monday, June 26, 2023

Mountain forest energy

 A favorite Frost poem talks of two roads diverging in a woods.

What do you suppose he would have written for three roads, or is it four? Look closely at left most path.

The repaired/new bridge is much more sturdy, but I do miss the rhododendron wood railings (see below)

From Nov 4, 2018 the bridge railings were often nailed together with substitutes where they failed.

The larger stones are on a larger roadbed...for trucks servicing this area of both beauty and the nearby maintence yard for Montreat's other roadways.

The smaller stone path has been much improved from just a earth path going through the woods, which I've loved to hike ever since I found this tiny enclave that was accessible in most weather for me. It has a nearby parking area, a bridge over the creek, and a path that meanders a bit along the creek up to a stopping point near a private home across the creek, and a tiny cascade into a small pool. I didn't go that far on this trip. As I get my feet under me recovering from who knows what, I'll extend my walks!

Today's quote:
Once a country is habituated to liars, it takes generations to bring the truth back. 
-Gore Vidal, writer (1925-2012)


  1. ...Mother Nature did a fabulous job there.

    1. And I do give credit to many hours of people shoveling that gravel into place also!

  2. Replies
    1. There are fewer and fewer Rhododendron wood creations. Used to have furniture with that wood, but not much lately.

  3. Hello,
    Looks beautiful, a lovely place for a hike! Take care, have a wonderful week!

    1. Hope you have a lovely week too, Eileen! It's a sweet little place.

  4. From your last sentence sounds like you still have a bug to deal with. It is a lovely place to gather strength from nature.

    1. When I've been sitting and working only in the house, I slowly lose the breathing capacity to walk very far or uphill. I can gradually get it back a bit. So I need to work to do that. With hotter weather now, I need to get out early to do a small walk each day. Just have to get into the habit again.

  5. You do get to walk in the most beautiful places, Barbara. I always love seeing what you see there.

    1. Thanks, but my small part of the world is pretty limited. I do love finding beauty wherever it may be.

  6. It looks cool and refreshing, a wonderful place to walk.

    1. It's especially welcome for warm days...being near the water makes it cooler, as well as the trees.


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