Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

On a more personal note

 I broke down and purchased some flowers...some to share, some to keep and enjoy!

I keep sticking my nose in them, thinking there might be a scent today. Nope. These could be made of tissue paper, though they are beautiful forms from nature, they no longer have any scents.

Can you guess what this is a photo of?
Answer will be at bottom of post.

I seldom look inside the car next to mine when I park...but this one invited me in...from fringe on the window to stickers on the dash, to the fun steering wheel. I didn't capture all the stickers on the back of the car though. Well, I have my pride!

Nope, I couldn't get the whole car into frame, since I was in my car, and it would have meant moving the car sideways, to back away. But isn't that a great whale of an American Chevy Belaire?

I made some potato soup the other night...which I had in a favorite bowl which I didn't make, but did copy. It holds the heat and can certainly hold a lot more soup than I served myself!

The last of the Christmas trees that were either 6 or 7 feet the lot in Black Mountain by the Methodist Church (a Boy Scout Troop sells them I think). Cost was $75!

The circuit board photo at the beginning of this post is to take the electricity from batteries and power some little LED lights, in a small fixture which can be mounted under a shelf. I was using it when I did pottery displays, but no longer needed it, so was taking out the batteries. However, I couldn't budge them, so asked a friend, and she removed them. Then I offered the fixture to her, and she asked if it was warm light or cool LED. I didn't know, so she put the batteries back in, and they were warm, which she wanted. Problem solved as far as disposing of used batteries...she'll have them until they wear out now!

Today's quote:

Perhaps the most radical act of resistance in the face of adversity is to live joyfully.


In Sylva NC the library (former court house) has a slope covered with little trees.


It's the feast day of the virgin of guadalupe

I like her story which includes the goddess which existed in Mexico before the Spaniards came, and has a miracle of roses blooming in the winter.


  1. Hello,
    Your soup looks yummy. I love the trees on the NC library lawn. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

    1. Thanks Eileen. You're always my early bird. Have a good week yourself!

  2. Scented roses seem nonsensical to me. Why on earth would someone breed something like that? They are just beautiful though. That car is a treasure! And so are all the little trees. Have a great day, Barb.

    1. Well, I remember when a bunch of roses did smell wonderful. And friend still say they use the essential oil from roses. I just wish they still smelled like roses.

  3. ...I love the artist's Christmas trees! ☃️ 🎄 ❄️ 🎅🏼

  4. Was that car really that long? Looks like you are in good spirits these days and doing well.

  5. Possibly like fruit they are picked too early in order to travel safely..and don't develop their natural fragrance, which artificial scents can never truly replicate

  6. When cars were kings.

    Cool library too.


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