Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Friday, April 12, 2024

Skywatch Friday Black Mountain NC


While eating an early supper at Pepperoni's Pizza there was a wonderful light show on the mountain ridge across the valley. (Sorry about parking lot vehicles.)

This valley carries I-40 east and west as well as US 70, which is the street leading to this small strip mall. The white warehouse in the distance houses the home of Ingles Groceries, a local business that's expanded to over 20 stores in the area.

My attempt at a panorama with the iPhone.

Cropping out cars leaves  a nice shot of the ridgeline, as well as the electric lines. The  two white streaks in the sky are not contrails, but reflections of the lights in the restaurant.

Sharing with Skywatch Friday

Today's quote:

As a general truth, communities prosper and flourish, or droop and decline, in just the degree that they practise or neglect to practise the primary duties of justice and humanity. -William Henry Seward, Secretary of State, Governor, and Senator (16 May 1801-1872)


  1. ...I have driven I-40 many times coming from Tennessee into North Carolina. In spots the road is so narrow with wall to wall trucks, it wasn't a pleasant experience.

    1. It can be that way coming through those passes in the mountains sometimes. Sorry you got into that traffic. Most times I've driven there are only a few big trucks...but it does indicate how important that commerce is along that route (a 4-lane divided highway with shoulders).

  2. Beautiful series of skywatch photos! Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

    1. Thanks and I'll see you tomorrow with some critters, Eileen!

  3. You do see the most beautiful skies there. Love seeing the views. (NewRobin13)

    1. As I come and go to simple places around town, I sometimes look up and see tsome clouds scuddling by. (Scudding?) The mountains just sit there waiting for shadows and angles to be revealed.

  4. The mountains look soft ,rolling , aged, worn from weather and water. They look like the hills in southern Wyoming except prettier, with growing things on them. Lovely sky!

    1. This is the time of the "greening of the mountains" which I've tried to capture before. This year I'm just enjoying it, as lower trees turn green first.

  5. Hah! We had a similar light show which I'll be posting about tomorrow. Nice to see some blue sky after all the rain!.

  6. Gorgeous skies. I like your pano photo!

    1. Thanks. I'll keep trying that technique out whenever there's a pretty scene.

  7. Replies
    1. Yes, especially when it's not giving us spring rains.

  8. Some lovely views up there. Enjoy.

    1. Thanks. A clear (or partly cloudy) sky is welcome after 3 days of rain!

  9. Never been in that part of the country. I hear it's beautiful and the bbq is fantastic.

    Worth a Thousand Words


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