Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Spring around home territories


Pale morning colors of spring...the dogwood not yet open...but just wait!

April 12 gave surprise rain late in the day with a cold front. But these dogwoods perservered!

And the sun came out on Saturday, along with wind continuing, but not as strong as Friday.

The wind catching a late weeping cherry tree.

Caught these dogwoods about to burst forth

A huge mural in the Black Mountain Center for the Arts lobby asks one to consider the native oak to the non-native ginkgo tree. Small questions are posted within the mural.

Redbud trees still blooming

At the entrance to the medical building and YMCA facility, as well as new homes built higher up the hill, sits this forlorn trolly. This is Jane Jacobs Rd. off Rt. 9 in the village of Cheshire. It's just down the road from interstate 40 and Black Mountain town center.

This disease-ridden old pink dogwood continues to have some blossoms, outside my front door.

More flowers in the neighborhood coming soon!

Today's quote: 
“He who fears what he shall suffer already suffers what he fears.”
- Michel De Montaigne


  1. Love the mural and the beautiful trees. Spring has sprung. Take care, enjoy your day and a happy new week!

    1. Thanks Eileen! So glad to see you here this morning! Have a great Sunday!

  2. ...I always wish for a cool spring so the flowers last longer.

    1. That is a good thing to wish for, Tom! I'm with you on that, since I can only take so many photos on one day!

  3. Second consecutive post on my list mentioning spring winds, and they're here too. But it's staring to look good where you are.

    1. Yes, those winds were like a lion for some month or another. Nice to have 70s degree weather today.

  4. Love those pink dogwood blossoms!

  5. I am happier with a cooler spring as we ease into summer. The rain has been terrific. Even though ti stops me doing stuff.


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