Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Marching on

  And now it's finally March. For us in Black Mountain it usually means enjoying a few spring-like days, then perhaps a blizzard. Most of our blizzards have been in March, say the old timers. "I remember when..." they say.

This year February sucked up some of March's glory and produced spring flowers of daffodils, quince, forsythia, and ornamental cherry trees.

And then there's "not our national bird." Wild turkeys know about traffic on this cove road.  When I stopped my car to lower the window, they kind of knew to get off the road. Warning! There was a big beast!

One turkey thought safety was on the other side of the road.

A friend's Quince in her yard.

Today's quote:

Good fiction creates empathy. A novel takes you somewhere and asks you to look through the eyes of another person, to live another life. -Barbara Kingsolver, novelist, essayist, and poet (b. 8 Apr 1955)


  1. Hello,
    Love the spring blooming trees and the turkeys, cool sighting. Take care, have a great day!

  2. February here didn’t suck up any March glory, but then again, April is better here. And May is much better. 😎

  3. You have lots of blooms to enjoy. Blue sky here but everything covered in snow.

    1. Every day when I go out (which isn't every day actually) I find more blooms to photograph.! I do love blue skies and snow covered ground.

  4. ...thanks for the preview of spring to come for us.

  5. Spring is definitely happening there and here too. I love seeing all the blooms. Love seeing those turkeys there too.

    1. They are so wonderful, turkeys...really big birds who mainly walk along, and yet they can fly to roost. I always see the connection to dinosaurs in them.

  6. All that Spring beauty and we have to keep our fingers crossed that a freeze doesn't come.

    1. Yes, and there's not much to be done if we get another hard freeze.

  7. We won't see such blooms until May.

    1. It is a strange fact that seems to make spring dilly-dally along coming north slowly.

  8. Lovely! Especially that Quince. You are a few weeks ahead of us, so thank you for the signs of hope.
    I like that quote. She is exactly right.

    1. Glad to see all your daffies a few moments ago! So pretty that they are off into the escaping little kids at recess!


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