Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Doing my class yesterday

 The Bones for Life class yesterday was really long...just as it's scheduled. But I was too tired after lunch break to take part in the next processes.

So since it's recorded, I'm going to have to do the last 2 hours later this week.

On my other blog the other day I gave Ruthy Alon as a Woman in History.

She learned from Mosehe Feldenkrais. And then she taught Cynthia Allen, who is part of the Bones for Life training...classes if you will.

My intention is to have a skeleton which is able to continue to help me move rather than osteoporosis, which somehow I don't yet have.

The teachers say all the time, listen to your own body, do what feels ok for you. So I quit early, and went to try to take a nap.

Ruthy Alon (in her 50s?)

Cynthia Allen and Ruthy Alon a few years ago.

Some of my zoom class!


  1. i passed up an online Zoom conflab in favour of later watching it at my leisure.

    1. Definitely a good choice many times. But if you had had something to add, you missed that opportunity by looking at the recorded version. I seldom have any questions or comments...but did had a comment in the earlier session yesterday.

  2. ...the last 2 hours, too long for me.

    1. It was really hard with drooping eyelids, but I did listen to the instructions (rather than following them). I am prepared to do them sometime when the weather is awful outside.

  3. Never heard of Bones for Life. I go to a Bone Builders class twice a week that meets next door in the old store. Other exercises I do on YouTube with Curtis Adams and Leslie Sansone.

    1. Good for you. Is Bone Builders a low impact cardio workout? It has a good name. I've never heard of the Adams/Sansone pair either. It's great to stay active when we can't be out doing much in the winter.

  4. I didn't know about bone-building exercises. I am going to do some googling around to find more information about that. I have pretty serious osteoporosis, and I worry all the time about falling and breaking something.

    1. I don't know about Marcia's Bone Builder class. The "Bones for Life" is doing Feldenkrais processes, which help our nerves speak to our bones. I know that sounds crazy, and I may have phrased it wrong. But my condition is just osteopenia, not fully developed osteoporosis. So I want to have whatever structure I can work on to avoid the onset of osteoporosis. Feldenkrais processes are minimal movements that help us educate/speak to our nervous system. We are recommended to only do 20% of what is possible in a movement. Do look them up. I was convinced after seeing a free seminar about osteoporosis by Cynthia Allen.

  5. My mother had osteoporosis when she was in her late 70s.

    1. It can happen to older people, usually women. The diagnosis used to be given to any woman over 80...but now a bone density scan is the basis of the dianosis.

  6. Replies
    1. Feldenkrais is pretty unknown unless you work in some kind of physical treatments...massage, exercise, chiropracter etc.


So glad to have your comments...whatever they may be. I'm one who likes to reply sometime or another, so others will see that; or you might happen back sometime and see what conversation might have started.