Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Friday, June 7, 2024

Being in 2 places at once

 I've got a great program I want to attend, at the library, about Black Mountain College. It's at 6 pm tonight (Thurs)

And since I was still in recuperating mode last night, I canceled my studio time in the evening, and signed up for the same time, 6-8 pm.

Well, I've got a plan...after the talk I can go over to the studio (about 2 blocks away) and do just a couple of things in the studio.

Students working on Geodesic Dome - Buckminster Fuller began his work on this design at Black Mountain College.

New plan. Bring home some slabs of clay and do some modeling of them here at home! This hasn't worked that great in the past. There's something about being in the studio environment that leads me to do creative work. But, this is summer, and this is me, so I'm going to try something different!

I want to continue making small vases. I think once they're glazed they will sell pretty well at the Tailgate. Yes, I'm moving into creating for retail...rather than creating to discover new forms that just intrigue me...the art side of clay sculpting.

There's no argument - I just needed a reason to do things, and the sales at market are definitely an incentive! I'm sure  I'll come back to the artistic creative side of things one day soon.

Black Mountain College performance. Photo courtesy of Western Regional Archives


Managed to get to both functions yesterday evening. I had the apartment cleaner here, but she used too much of her chemical sprays which really bothered my breathing. I had a conversation about it, and we're going to work together so she can use her super chemicals, but either rinse them off with water, or not use as strong a brand. I rinsed off the kitchen floor with water, and it helped, as well as leaving all the windows and doors open an hour, while I just coughed my head off. That lingered a bit during the talk about Black Mountain College, so I left early. 

Another sad thing - not in the scheme of things very big - I'd ordered 50 pounds of clay when Suzi (wife of our studio manager) was going to pick up some clay. I'm almost out. But since I've been feeling bad so many times when they have studio hours, I hadn't been able to get my new clay nor pay for it. Well, the manager couldn't figure how I had ordered, and I said it must have been a text, and sure enough, he did have my request and his positive response still on texts. But I still didn't get any clay. 

Today's quote:

Celebrating the success of others deepens your own happiness.


  1. ...double booking can be tough.

    1. Especially when I used to just plan to do one big thing a day (besides just my own upkeep).

  2. It is good to keep busy! Take care, have a great day!

  3. Geodesic Dome - Buckminster Fuller takes me back to Expo 67 in Montreal and the American Pavillion. I was 19.

    1. As we all were once. Someone said don't hit me if I say 1980 was 50 years ago.

  4. I hope that you get the sell-able little vases done and will move back into artsy experimentation, Your pots are fabulous! Ig et is about studio /home, during covid lock down I did everything at home but the sprak was not there. Then I closed my studio for good.
    I also get it about chemical cleaning agents- I use vinegar, hot soapy water and if I must, Windex. The man in this house likes to spray Febreeze, which is Terrible, TERRIBLE!!! He is trying to kill me....

    1. Yikes! Fabreeze! It's almost as bad as those plug-ins! I love vinegar for wiping things down. But Sarah says she has some ideas so I won't have such strong checmicals to breathe.

  5. It's nice when you have proof--even it you are still without clay.


So glad to have your comments...whatever they may be. I'm one who likes to reply sometime or another, so others will see that; or you might happen back sometime and see what conversation might have started.