Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk June 12, 2024

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Summertime fun


The pool is open, and a lot of families' cars use the same parking places the seniors are used to using. Sometimes a whole busload of children from a camp nearby will come and let out all those children to swim. I don't know if there's a limit to how many people are allowed in the pool!

Early morning I am able to get a parking place, but not if I arrive at noon. The hot weather brings a lot of families to the pool.

Today's quote:

The answer to control is practicing surrender.


  1. I have a memory of my friend and me biking to the pool every afternoon. It seems like 'every' in my memory, but I imagine that it was just 'often'.

    1. My folks took us a few times to outdoor pools in St. Louis summers. I don't think either of them liked going.

  2. When I was young in Florida, summers revolved around getting to one pool or another. Fortunately, one was in walking distance.

    1. Yes indeed, a good thing for children in the summertime!

  3. Nice submarine post. Thank you dear. May you always find a parking space. Aloha

    1. Laughing out loud at submarine post name! Not me!

  4. Pools always have been popular. We used to go the Y on family night, it was lots of fun.

  5. I’m sure there’s a limit but maybe they don’t reach it very often.


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