Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Maybe a good day

 I'm starting out with the ho-hum of staying in bed late, because there's cloud cover making it still look like 6 am.  

Yesterday was my final of two things about my bod.

Last physical therapy session meant seeing where I've made improvement, and where I still am short of the abilities I could have. Since one of my original goals was to regularly walk around the lake, and I haven't done that, I missed it completely. My shoulders and arm reach have improved noticeably. And I feel more balanced just walking or climbing stairs.

But I'm still not able to stand on one foot, lift the other up into a stair and then distribute my weight up...especially going sideways. That balance routine escapes me.

And I had my last mammogram yesterday.

I asked the clerk when I'd had my last one, and she said just 2022. I said I didn't think we needed them that often, nor after a certain age. She said they now recommend a mammo yearly after age 40. I guess they are able to detect changes better that way. But I haven't ever had any questionable films, so I think it's time to graduate from that "joy." And I got the results already...nothing to worry about! Wheee!

I may (depending upon how I feel in a couple of hours) go to Sit-R-Cise. I'm meeting a young friend for lunch, and hope our older friend can also make it. She's been complaining of back pain, but thinks maybe some exercise might help.

Today's quote:

Keep inviolate an area of light and peace within you.



  1. ...yes keep inviolate an area of light and peace within you.

  2. Tried to post a comment early, but the phone was being wonky. Glad you are feeling better!

    1. Thanks. It seems to change hourly. I ended up with fever and more muscle aches, and went back to bed! Missed all my plans for today!

  3. Trying to comment from my phone. See if it will let me. Just posted on blog from phone. Enjoy lunch out. Well it won’t let me sign in. This is Marcia

    1. Hi, I know how different formats say we're different people. Thanks for your good wishes from your phone, Marcia!

  4. Feeling good is definitely a big plus in our lives as we age.

    1. That's the truth! I'm so grateful after my nap and the fever broke (with nice sweats to wet my shirt) and a shower, this is how I wanted to feel this morning! Missed my outings completely though!

  5. Thank you friend for this very thoughtful post. My good wishes are coming your way along with a prayer for your continued improvement. I hope you can enjoy your morning walks soon. And thanks so much for your thoughtful visits. Appreciated. Aloha

    1. Hi Cloudia, thanks so much for your sweet wishes. Appreciated right back!

  6. Sue went to a sitercize today at the seniors res. I don't think she loved. She much prefers standing. She said she will try it again, but it was pretty easy stuff.

    1. I get stretched enough with the sit-r-cise we have, but then there's 20 min. of cardio. Wow, that's something I need to do more.

  7. After a certain age, it's maintenance, maintenance, maintenance. But we can focus on the good moments.

    1. Thanks...and yes, those wonderful delicious good moments!


So glad to have your comments...whatever they may be. I'm one who likes to reply sometime or another, so others will see that; or you might happen back sometime and see what conversation might have started.