Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Some rhododendrons and berries

 I walked up to these rhododendron bushes (they're certainly big, but not quite a tree size) and took these photos before going to Physical Therapy on Tuesday. Glad I did it before, because I not only worked hard, I was reprimanded that I wasn't putting enough effort into exercising at home. And he was right. I do stretches every morning, but haven't done the strengthening ones he's given me. I shall remedy that, because I do want to continue to see him another week (my last is coming soon).

This purple one had just a few flowers remaining, as it has the afternoon sun hitting it...just my guess.

But next to it I saw this bush with rather strange berries on it. I'd love to know what it is!

Today's Quote:

A career is wonderful, but you can't curl up with it on a cold night. 

-Marilyn Monroe, actress (1926-1962)


  1. At a quick guess I would say that is a laurel of some sort? My nextdoor neighbour has one and the starlings and blackbirds go crazy over the ripe berries

  2. Prunus laurocerasus, cherry laurel, poisonous to all mammals including humans but good bird food

    1. Oh dear, pretty and deadly! But I never try a berry I see. Bought a handful of cherries at the store though!

  3. It's easy to let exercises slip at home.

    1. And when we (I) creak all over when first awake, I'm not surprised.

  4. ...rhododendron time is a wonderful time.

  5. We have one rhody here and it is pitiful - one bloom. We started with three and when one died we replaced it with this one that finally bloomed. The other two didn't make it either. They can be beautiful shrubs as you have seen there.

    1. Sorry your rhododendrons didn't make it for you. Perhaps too cold in winter.

  6. Pretty rhodo, I like the color. Ours are all purple. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. The purple are more delicate looking, and the photos also seem to work better. Glad you have several!

  7. Lovely! I wish I could grow rhododendrons but I am lucky to keep my one azalea alive. I am glad others identified that bush, I had no clue.

    1. Azaleas are so pretty too, and earlier to bloom. I've yet to go up on the Blue Ridge Parkway when Craggy Gardens picnic area has lots of native rhododendrons blooming - it used to be for Mother's Day. I'm either too early or too late when I make the effort. It's an hour's drive each way in traffic. So I'm glad landscapers have planted some around here.

  8. Replies
    1. They certainly are. I wonder when they'll bloom up at Craggy Gardens...mmm, sounds like I should take a road trip soon!

  9. Love the red rhododendron. I will be looking for some to add to my gardens. I figure I get enough excersize up and down the driveway and lots of stretching is involved in gardening. That's my story and I am sticking to it!

    1. Glad you saved your peonies from lying down and shedding. The ones here just wilted into the ground, petal by petal. I think one still has a bit of a bloom. They went fast - as they always seem to. Yes, get some's a fun word to type, which I often have to go back and re-spell!

  10. I love these. I've been trying for years to grow them!


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