Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Where's this anyway?


Driving by this field and grassy area on Sunday May 19, 2024, it's hard to believe that under the trees on that grass just the day before had been the busy Black Mountain Tailgate Market.

Tailgate Market, May 18, 2024.

OK, there are days when I gird my loins (do women do that?) and go to a big ox store (typo intentional.) I just was waiting and took these shots...BIG is certainly the best way of looking at it. Babe the Blue Ox comes to mind from my typo.

I was amazed that that Milk sign came so clear in the photo from the very front of the store...and you might also note all the men in the grocery aisles! I think a hike in those big outside aisles is clearly over a mile. The only problem is people getting in your way!

I like these pretty flowers. 

Does this give you a good enough hint where I was shopping on Tuesday, May 21? I didn't buy either flowers or watermelon. Just thought they were good photo subjects.

Sharing with Thankful Thursday

Today's quote:

YOUR LIFE IS AN ART PROJECT! Put the emphasis on the quality of your adventures as much as on what you produce. Regard your life as a noble and inspiring work of art.
Tony Clennell (potter/blogger in Canada)


  1. I have not been in one of those big ox stores in a long time.
    The flowers are beautiful! Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Yes I guess Big OX is a good enough term for them.

  2. Looks like Bjs or Costco maybe even Walmart. I don't belong in the first to and rarely go into the latter.

    1. Just needed something that my local grocery doesn't carry. So a quick in and out...and early enough in the day not to have huge crowds. I succumbed to checking myself out too.

  3. I can't shop in those big stores at peak hours. We go early or late afternoon, if we go. You are brave!

    1. Same here on hours to go...I avoid when school has let out, because harried moms have a bunch of kids in tow. Mornings are best.

  4. As much as possible, I am boycotting my goto grocery store this month, but the alternative (not OX) isn't the best. But I still only condescend to go to OX as little as possible and for as few items as possible.

    1. Yes, OX may well be a good description to use for those Big stores. I have to drive into Asheville for any of them, and there are also the higher priced whole food kinds...but also an Aldi's which is low price but limited in selections. I'm so glad I still have a car to make choices with!

  5. ...some think that big is better.

  6. Rarely go into those big stores either. Lowe's occasionally and my feet hurt just thinking about it. Have never been in a Costco, Best Buy, once in Ikea and Target. Just not my style.

    1. Good for you. I have traipsed through Lowes and the other tools and fix it place that escapes my mind right now! Yes, my feet hurt also!

  7. I have a Walmart Superstore where I live in S. Colorado and it is great for getting some walking in!
    Doesn't matter which grocery store I shop at, I always leave too much money there! LOL

    1. Yes, and when I forget something (like I did Tues.) I have to go back for one item...and you know I'll never leave with just one item!

    2. PS, Marcia, where in S. Colorado do you live? My son is in Cortez on the SW corner.

  8. I still haven't been back to the big stores since the pandemic... Thanks for bringing us along. Aloha!

    1. Good thinking. I heard there's a move in Congress to ban wearing masks. Something was triggered by the college demonstrations against the war in Gaza...where some activists weren't really members of the college community. Yikes! I'm wearing one please, whenever I don't feel safe, or have something that someone else might catch!

  9. the Big Ox store and do some of my shopping there too..Sams", I walk my legs off for sure.
    Now I am hungry for some sweet watermelon.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. From the West side to you...

    1. Glad you dropped by. I often read, but only comment when I feel some kind of desire to communicate. I'm sure other bloggers are the same. Early watermelon isn't as good as it will be next month, I've been told.

  10. What a lovely day, the day of the Tailgate Market! I like local markets.

    You need so much time in these big stores! I'd rather buy in small stores with only two or three aisles. All I need is there.

    Have a nice weekend! Regula

  11. We did the Big Ox while we had teenagers and needed more product, but we stopped our membership last year. I drive about 20 minutes for Kroger or WalMart and that is my best option, besides my garden and an Amish market. Anyway! I appreciate you linking up and so glad to see you here :) Have a great week!


So glad to have your comments...whatever they may be. I'm one who likes to reply sometime or another, so others will see that; or you might happen back sometime and see what conversation might have started.