Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Thursday, May 9, 2024

What do you do when?


What's a 17 year old to do when her laptop crashes the week before finals? Not to mention all her relatives are coming to see one of her sisters graduate from college while the other one is taking part in student protests at her college in Washington DC?

Ask her parents for help.

So her dad talked with me via phone and asked did I have an old laptop? It was just to get her through this last week. He could use her college funds maybe to get a new one for her before next school year...though she did have another year of high school.

I said yes, I had 2 old laptops, one of which worked, and the old Apple needed a new plug. So I hauled it in my suitcase, which didn't end up being overhead because I was sitting in a small plane in the wrong place so it was checked through. I groan when I think of that laptop in a rather sparsely packed bag, being thrown around at least four times in baggage bins.

We found out my old apple just needed a new battery, (since my sons both have had Apples since they were invented, so they could tell it wasn't the plug) so $35 later it worked fine, but somewhat slow. So dear dad purchased a refurbished apple laptop for his daughter!!

We had fun watching her unpack it.

Then dear dad had another request for his mom. He had an aphid infestation in his little basil farm. I looked up on line and found that one of his fungicides that he already had would also kill aphids, but the leaves needed to be harvested so they weren't lying so close together.

That was fun, harvesting the leaves and cleaning off the aphids, putting them in water to then take inside, where later my son made a wonderful pesto, and you probably got some extra protein from aphids, but you couldn't see them or taste them, so...

He then sprayed the remaining leaves, transplanted the latest sprouted plants, and destroyed a few that had really lost their oomph. And he stuck a fertilizer stick in the soil of each pot. (I didn't ask him if that might not be suitable for food crops...he was working so hard.)

There was a hard rain a day or so later, but I went out afterwards and flicked a few leaves, and no aphids flew out. Maybe success. But I'll bet he needs to spray them again maybe once. Sometimes the eggs hatch...and so forth.

His landscaping has really improved, with stone walls in various places, and a family of bunnies that don't eat flowers!

Most of his tulips had bloomed the week before, but a few were still pretty in a shady spot. (house next door in background.)

Then we found this volunteer flower, amid a ground cover. We looked it up, it's Columbine! He's interested in finding some seeds to have more of these lovelies. 

His Lilies of the Valley were just about done blooming

But some nice Fuchsia were brightening up the front step.

His next landscaping job is to plant these roses next to the mailbox out by the road.

"Physical matter is music solidified" - Pythagoras

Sharing with Little Things Thursday

sharing with Thankful Thursday


I had a wakeup call last night with tornado warning, and thought for a bit about going and sitting in the bathroom (smaller windows) but then decided if a tornado hit here, I am in the midst of a bunch of trees, so they might hit anywhere...and fell back asleep with the C-PAP going and it didn't cut out when the power was off for a while (or at least I somehow breathed till it came back on.) Fortunately I'm not in the area of Black Mountain where power is still off this morning.


  1. ...we all need each other.

    1. I was quite glad to assist in some small ways those times.

  2. Hello,
    I am glad all worked out with the laptop! The flowers are beautiful.
    The pesto sounds yummy! Take care, have a great day!

    1. It was a good experience. Hope your Thursday is also a great day, Eileen!

  3. You were able to be very helpful with the plants.

    1. Whoopee! Call me when you have aphids! I'm Cat woman to Bat Man and Robin (my two eldest sons). Of course they don't think I quite have the right figure any more...but actually neither do they!!

  4. Small kindnesses go a long way. How nice that your son asked for your help! Sometimes as we get older we wonder if anyone really needs us anymore...and then they do.

    1. I was quite surprised at that also. The aphid situation I'd already advised him about garlic water with a bit of dish soap...and I think he tried that. But the basil leaves were too close together to get the undersides of them all. So to the rescue I woman for my bat man and Robin!

  5. And the flowers, lovely! Columbine comes up easily from seed apparently...I bought one plant and now have 20 or 30, some little babies that will bloom next year. Makes me happy.

    1. I hope he can get some sewn where there is more space between ground cover. Yes they are amazing little tiny flowers!

  6. What a wonderful post! Hooray for grandies.

    1. On both sides, I love these g-daughters and don't get to interact with them that much. Birthday calls have gotten kind of lame, so I skipped one or two. But now I know more about their interests just from 4 days with 2 of the 3 of them.

  7. Sounds like it was a nice visit to your son's place.

    1. It was, and I am kind of journaling about it, which might be boring to everyone else!

  8. Yes, that was quite some rain last night. Very noisy.

  9. What a wonderful visit and isn't it nice to be needed?! That is the good thing about growing older, we get to share our knowledge. Thank you for linking up and have a great week ahead.


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