Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Coldest day of the year (so far)

 It was 10 degrees F when I woke at 7. High is expected to be  18. Yesterday's snowfall left a bit of snow, but wherever it melted probably is a problem today.

Dawn showed where snow had stuck, and where it was clear still. But there are warnings of black ice on some roads.

I stuck the phone through the blinds to have it next to the glass, but there are blinds reflections going across! That's Blue Ridge Rd. going down the hill behind that apartment building. Hope there's no ice on it. Bad ditches on each side, no fun to slide into, as they're full of huge rocks. Anyway, I won't be the one driving when I  go out...I hope. My friend did say she might be coming down with a cold, so wasn't sure she could go to the party for another friend today. We shall see!

It's pill sorting day here where I live. Get out all the little vials, and the vitamins, and put one day's dose in each compartment for morning and night. So glad I don't have more during the day to take!

Today's quote:
On stage, I make love to 25,000 different people, then I go home alone. -Janis Joplin, singer-songwriter (1943-1970)


  1.'s colder for you than for us.

  2. So you plan to probably go out? Stay safe.

    1. I had planned to go to a retirement party. Had a gift for my friend. But as it got closer to time to leave, my anxiety got the better of me. I'm kind of glad because I then spent the rest of the day with a runny nose and coughing...somewhat like the conditions of my friend who was originally going to drive. We had spent Thurs. lunch together, and she already had runny nose on Fri. Powerful bug!

  3. Pretty views out your window. Take care, stay warm and safe. Have a great day!


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