Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Monday, January 8, 2024

The Microwave Story

 As I drove out the parking lot of my apartments the other day, my maintenance man, Barry, flagged me down. I stopped, and he handed me a card for a potter in Banardsville. He has shared some pieces of pottery with me, and I show him some I have collected and made.

Anyway, he said I should look up this potter. I said ok.

Then I mentioned I was off to Walmart to purchase a new microwave as mine had broken. As he is super handy in many ways, he asked what was wrong with it. When I explained that it turned on every time I closed the door, and didn't respond to any of the buttons any more, he agreed it was a goner.

I asked how could I dispose of it, and he said to bring it down for the Friday household goods pickup by the town.

Old door release button had broken and been taped back onto the microwave, which worked for 4 years.

Then he said he had one that I could have free. Another resident had died recently and her relative was cleaning out her apartment, and there was a red microwave I could have. He said he'd bring it over the next day.

He didn't, and I didn't see him the next day. So when I told my friends of my good fortune, they raised their eyebrows a bit. Well, I could do nothing but wait and see.

And the next day I saw Barry, and he said he was cleaning it up and would bring it right over. I said, I know how to clean up things, don't bother. Within 10 minutes he arrived with this!

I only had a tiny bit of cleaning on the back still to do...he'd already covered front and interior!

The button to push to open the door is much harder, and thus probably won't break like the old one did. It has 1350 watts, at least that's the only number that I could discern on the back (being made in China just like the old one had been). It does heat water to a higher temp in 1:30 which is how I like to make tea or warm up coffee.

I'm so grateful. 

Barry said the guy wouldn't take any money for it. But I think Barry deserves a nice tip, if I can ever see him and slip it to him. 

I finally walked down the hill to where Barry parks his car, and leaves the window open. I slipped a thank you note (with Snoopy of course) and a few bills to him that way. He just finished work for the day and connected my new shower nozzle with a hose...can't wait till the morning to try it out! I told him he's the Papa of the place, taking care of so many of us.

Today's quote:

We can never underestimate this truth: No matter who you are, the biggest thing you do in any day is most often going to be a small act of kindness, decency, or love.



  1. That's nice of him, and I rather like the red. Of course, I like ed in just about anything.

    1. I do too, like red. As accents around me. I have 2 pottery bowls that are bright red, but alas, they aren't quite the same shade as the new microwave.

  2. Hello,
    It is great of Barry to help you out with the old microwave and to bring you the "new to you" microwave. He saved you some money, very nice! Take care, have a great week!

    1. Yes, and even if, like a used car, I'm inheriting the problems of the previous owner, it's certainly the right price!

  3. Replies
    1. I imagine he plays "more than just maintenance" helper to many of us residents here.

  4. Good to re-use instead of refuse! Well done Barry

    1. He said he'd had one just like mine that kicked the bucket, but his wife's fingernails had worn through the smooth buttons.

  5. What a great story of thoughtful kindness. A shout out to Barry for bringing that red microwave to you. Yay! (NewRobin13)

  6. So much usable stuff just doesn't get used. I am glad that you got a 'new' microwave. Barry deserves a 'finder's fee' alright.

    1. There is still the hope of catching him as he moves from one apt. to another during the day. Unfortunately I don't see the main area until I open my door, and it's too cold to keep it open today.

  7. What a nice guy and story. Red is my favorite colour too.

    1. I am moving to loving it too...rather than green.

  8. What a serendipitous meet up resulting in money saved.

    1. Yes, that's a great word for it. I finally walked down the hill to where Barry parks his car, and leaves the window open. I slipped a thank you note (with Snoopy of course) and a few bills to him that way. He just finished work for the day and connected my new shower nozzle with a hose...can't wait till the morning to try it out! I told him he's the Papa of the place, taking care of so many of us. I'm adding this note to the body of the text so it will be part of this whole wonderful story!

  9. Barry is good people, for sure. My microwave is red too, a cheapie from Walmart. The last one, which was just like it, only lasted about 5 years I think. So nice of you to thank him that way, you know he would never take it any other way.


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