Black Mountain

Lake Tomahawk with ice, Jan 16, 2025

Friday, January 5, 2024

Doesn't need to be a holiday

A milkman delivering his bottles in London 1962.

Cherry County Nebraska, 1880-81 winter

Norman Rockwell "Dead Man's Hill"

And for all my pagan friends, and others who just like to know the phases of the moon, when to plant root crops or above ground...etc.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Sharing with Sepia Saturday.  Sorry, I needed to organize my post before I knew what this meme was...and missed the target of music. Looking forward to Mike's contribution however!

Today's quote:

The only way we can make the most of our lives is to make the most of our moments.



  1. Great images! I am grateful for all I have! Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

    1. Thank you Eileen. Hope you have a great weekend. I'll be bringing some critters to visit tomorrow!

  2. ...I love the Snoopy Santa.

  3. The milkman is also smoking. Had to be a bit of a fun setup.

  4. Thank you very much for this post, Barbara! Much here to linger over and enjoy. And thank you for your kind visits and comments. The Hawaiian people were/are very interested in the phases of the moon and have names for each night during which different activities are either favored or dysfavored such as fishing or planting various sorts of crops. Aloha

    1. I would love to know more about moon guidance from Hawaii...especially which activities are favored at which moontimes. Thanks for your comment.

  5. Charming pictures. Have a good weekend.

  6. A fun collection of pictures and thanks for the Lunar calendar! We have an atomic clock that shows the lunar movements day by day, but it's nice to know them ahead of time - such as December this year having not one, but two full moons - beginning & ending the month! :)

  7. Happy New Year!

    That milkman photo makes me smile. I love snow as long as I don’t have to shovel it or when I’m in it by choice and not necessity. Susan

  8. I love these images, especially because of all the snow — something we have seen little of in the last two years in NYC. The milkman photo is fun. Particularly like the Nebraska photo, taken in the absence of a fancy studio. I had collateral relatives who lived there so I was fascinated to see the rough-hewn house and that this family got dressed up to pose in front of it in the snow — possibly to share their life with relatives “back home,” wherever that may have been.

  9. I'm a bit late catching up but my first thought after seeing your photo of Lake Tomahawk was that someone will have to pull the drain plug again after today's rain. I like the image of the family outside their sod house. They have a feeling of pride and determination about them that rises above any hardship caused by snow.

  10. There is so much of interest in your post. I love the milkman on skis -I remember that bad winter - and your quote of making the most of moments- so true.

  11. Dead man's hill is classically Rockwell, but an unusual title for him.


So glad to have your comments...whatever they may be. I'm one who likes to reply sometime or another, so others will see that; or you might happen back sometime and see what conversation might have started.